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After I defeat the Elite four I can go onto Kanto right? however can I go to Hoenn after that? Also what Pokemon types should I use?


3 Answers

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Best answer

You cannot go to Hoenn in SoulSilver/HG. Only Kanto and Johto.
As for Pokemon Types, it doesn't really matter. Just use whatever works, and is Super Effective.

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Sorry, I didn't see your answer. I was halfway done writing when you posted I guess...
it's fine.
1 vote

No, you can't get to Hoenn after you defeat all 8 gym leaders in Kanto. This is the team I used in SS, and to be honest it really served me well:

Crobat@Poison Barb
Trait: Inner Focus
Nature: Jolly

-Cross Poison
-Confuse Ray

Typhlosion@Flame Plate
Nature: Modest
Trait: Blaze

-Focus Blast

Mamoswine@Muscle Band
Nature: Adamant
Trait: Snow Cloak

-Ice Shard
-Rock Slide

Ampharos@Choice Specs
Nature: Rash
Trait: Static

-Signal Beam
-Power gem

Dragonite@Dragon Fang
Nature: Adamant
Trait: Inner Focus


Gyarados@Mystic water
Nature: Jolly
Trait: Don't remember XP

-Surf(needed a Surf Slave)
-Ice Fang

This was it, it served me well.

Hope I helped :D

You have a rock weakness.
I HAD a rock weakness. I used this party years ago. Keep in mind this is just in-game. BTW, i got through the whole game without any issues so..yeah. And it is not like you get OHKO by one rock type move.
0 votes

Firstly,G/S/C/HG/SS are the only games where you can travel to another region, so no, you can't go to Hoenn(you can get a Hoenn starter though,don't remeber how though), but you can go to Kanto.
About types, well, since the Johto E4 is Psychic,Poison,Fighting,Dark and Dragon, Dark types,Ghost types,Fire types(since there is a bit of a weakness to fire),Ground,Flying,Fighting and Ice types will all do well.
