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I have been trying to trade with someone who has a soulsilver, and I have a pearl. is it possible to Friend trade over wi-fi between these two games?

Or you can do it in the union room which is on the top floor of a poke center.

2 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

Yes, you can. This is how.

In Diamond/Pearl you talk to either of the ladies near the door and connect to WI-FI. If your friend is logged on, it will indicate as much. You can hit 'invite' and then 'trade' to trade. Your wanting to trade will be represented on your friend's secreen. If they accept, you can veiw their Pokemon and they can veiw yours and decide what to trade. You can only trade Pokemon in your party. Once you and your friend agree on pokemon, you trade.

In HG/SS you get into talk to the lady in normal clothes, access WI-FI the same way and then go up to the computer and hit 'trade'. On your friend's screen, you will start bouncing. If they hit you, it will say you want to trade. If they agree to trade with you, you can veiw their Pokemon and they can veiw yours and decide what to trade. You can only trade Pokemon in your party. Once you and your friend agree on a pokemon, you trade.

thanks... we have been trying to trade, and when we both say that we are on, it says that we aren't... and i was wondering if the name for the friendcode matters... like say someone has 0000-0000-0000 and the name is ABC and you enter 0000-0000-0000 and put in the name BOB, does that matter?
No, it doesn't.  My friend and I swapped friend codes, and her username was some weird name that can't even pronounce (not that my username's normal) while her real name is Sam, which is what I put in when we I registered her and we connected fine.  Just double check that you have each other's Friend Codes right.
0 votes

yes, they´re both IV gen games, so this is posibble
