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Aron lv. 1
Ability: Sturdy
Item: Shell Bell
Moveset: as long as it knows Endeavor

I asked this question because I saw a guy on youtube have a wi-fi battle with an aron w/ the details above amazingly beating a whole party of lv. 100s XD
Tl;dr: No Pokémon can be invincible till one of their defense stats overflow. This is only possible in Gen 8 Pure Hackmons with an Eternatus-Eternamax.

But yeah it wasn't possible when the question was asked.

2 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

No, in fact, it is far from invincible as pretty many strategis can counter this Pokemon with relative ease
Here are a few:

  • Knock off.Once it's item is knocked off, Aron becomes pretty useless
  • Once Aron's shell bell gets Tricked away, it can't do anything
  • Hail as active weather will bring down Aron
  • A Pokemon with a priority move makes quick work of it
  • Stealth rocks, Spikes will take a huge amount of HP of this guy
  • Another Pokemon imprison makes Aron completely useless if it's only move is Endeavor and will force it into struggle
  • A Ghost type Pokemon will stop any day
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Or trick. I`m still amazed the youtube guy had done it ( the opponent only attacked straight on, thats why )
Only people with poorly made teams get swept so easily. A more impressive victory is against an opponent of actual worth, even if you win by only one Pokemon.
Yes, most teams are usually prepared for a F.E.A.R.  When it was first used, it was hard to counter, however not long after a counter was made. Although I really appreciate the BA I am ok with just a vote. JarJar pretty much said exactly the same thing :)
^what trachy said
'Hail or Sand as active weathers will bring down Aron'

Because Steel Types totally take damage from Sand.
1 vote


Absolutely NO Pokemon is invincible.
Things that will bring it down are:

  • Multi-hit moves
  • Priority
  • Ghost types
  • Entry hazards
  • Shedinja
  • Hazards
  • Any moves that rid it of its item
  • Disable or Imprison
  • Hail
  • Burn
  • Attract
  • Confusion
  • Paralysis
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leech seed as well
also mega kangaskhan will take it down easily with fake out lol
Could you remove the "Toxic" from this list? As MeloettaMelody said, it's steel type, so it's immune. Also @WashRotom Leech Seed isn't very effective against steel, so it wouldn't do very much damage.
@Jme Leech Seed is a status move
Oh nevermind :P