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so should I EV train my ditto?


3 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

Essentially yes.

As when Ditto transforms it copies the opposing Pokémon's Stats (except HP).

So for example if your opponent was a Lucario with 252 EV's in Attack, 252 EV's in Speed and 4 in HP, equally 280 in HP, 320 in Attack, 170 in Defense, 240 in Special Attack, 170 in Special Defense and 306 in Speed. Ditto would copy the Pokémon exact stats except the HP Stat so it too would also have 320 in Attack, 170 in Defense, 240 in Special Attack, 170 in Special Defense and 306 in Speed.

Because Ditto copies the opposing Pokémon Stats (except HP) it is pointless to EV train Ditto in anything but HP.

Recommended move set for Ditto:

Ditto @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Imposter
Nature: Doesn't matter
EV's: 252 HP

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1 vote


As soon as the user comes into battle, it transforms into its opponent. Imposter copies the target's appearance, cry, moves (which all have 5 PP), Ability, stats (except HP), stat changes (but not stat multipliers such as with Choice Specs), weight, and Mega Evolution or form (regardless of held item). Imposter does not copy its opponent's IVs (for the purpose of Hidden Power) or gender.

So it does not copy IVs

Source: This


As soon as the user comes into battle, it transforms into its opponent. Imposter copies the target's appearance, cry, moves (which all have 5 PP), Ability, stats (except HP), stat changes (but not stat multipliers such as with Choice Specs), weight, and Mega Evolution or form (regardless of held item). Imposter does not copy its opponent's IVs (for the purpose of Hidden Power) or gender.

So yes, it does copy all EVs except HP

Source: Same as the other one

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i was asking for EV not IV
the source says "imposter does not copy its opponent IVs" so im not sure : /
What do you mean?
in bulbapedia says that it doesnt copy IVs and im asking for EVs
much better
Made an account 2 years later just to let you know that the "does not copy IVs" was directly in reference to the following "for the purpose of hidden power". It does still copy every detail of their stats, you just still use your own IV spread to determine Hidden Power type while transformed.

TL;DR if they have perfect IVs you'll get the benefit of perfect IVs statwise, but your Hidden Power type may still be different than the Pokemon you copied.
1 vote

quick answer as I am on School/ work:

dittos imposter or transform copies the targets stats and therefore also its stats it has raised by EVs, however: ditto doesnt lose the EVs it has trained by itself, so you should EV Train its hp as that is the only stat imposter doesnt copy. give it a Choice scarf and ditto will be usefull for stopping sweepers

Ditto's nature, IVs, EVs and stats are irrelevant, except for HP. It automatically transforms as soon as it switches in, assuming the target's stats, and using the target's IVs for the purpose of Hidden Power.

hope I helped:D¨

Source: experience+this

hm... im not sure wheter mine or terras Source are right about the IVs, but that doesnt matter really
You will assume their IVs for stat purposes but you still use your own to determine Hidden Power typing.