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I know that you need at least 5 ribbons to enter the Grand Festival and Dawn was sooo close of being Top Coornator, and she has 5 ribbons. My question is what are those ribbons (name if possible) and the place (city or town) she obtained them. Please help me! Thanks! :)

Note: Horrible speller! I might of spelled coornator wrong! :P


2 Answers

7 votes
Best answer

Sinnoh Ribbons

Floaroma Ribbon (Settling a Not-So-Old Score!) Obtained in Floaroma Town.
Aqua Ribbon (for winning the Wallace Cup) (Strategy with a Smile!) Obtained in Lake Valor.
Celestic Ribbon (Battling The Generation Gap!) Obtained in Celestic Town.
Chocovine Ribbon (Another One Gabites the Dust!) Obtained in Chocovine Town.
Daybreak Ribbon (Playing the Performance Encore!) Obtained in Daybreak Town.

This is the only thing you really need to know about her winning-ribbons, but extra info is included if needed..

Grand Festival ranking

Sinnoh Grand Festival - Runner-up (A Grand Fight for Winning!)

Other Achievements

Unofficial Contest - Runner-up (Borrowing on Bad Faith!)
Hearthome City Tag Battle Competition - Runner-up (with Conway) (Smells Like Team Spirit!)
Hearthome Collection - Winner (Arriving in Style!)
Pokémon Ping Pong Tournament - Top 4 (To Thine Own Pokémon Be True!)
Twinleaf Festival Battle Tournament - N/A (Challenging a Towering Figure!)
Pokémon World Tournament Junior Cup - Top 8 (Battling Authority Once Again!)

selected by
Dang, i was late.
Thanks anyways, next time your answer my question, I will best answer you! I would best answer you now but Arcazeus was so happy I chose his/her answer so I can't select yous. I hope you understand. :( If you want you can check my profile to see what a wrote about you.
Lol thanks. I really don't care about BA. I just want to try to help others out.
Awwww! That's so nice of you! You are a really nice person! Thanks again! :D
LordGoomy answer was better, he told where she got them. Wow Thx alot ehesiste for choosing my answer! :D
3 votes

Sinnoh Ribbons
Floaroma Ribbon (Settling a Not-So-Old Score!)
Aqua Ribbon (for winning the Wallace Cup) (Strategy with a Smile!)
Celestic Ribbon (Battling The Generation Gap!)
Chocovine Ribbon (Another One Gabites the Dust!)
Daybreak Ribbon (Playing the Performance Encore!)
Hope I helped!

Thank you so much! :)
Yay my first selected answer! Thank you so much ehesister!
oh no more selected...