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I am doing a FireRed Nuzlocke, and my team is:

  • Charmeleon lv 21
  • Mankey lv 18
  • Pidgeotto lv 20
  • Spearow lv 13
  • Oddish lv 15
  • Butterfree lv 12

Any help?

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4 Answers

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Best answer

Surge is much easier if you can use items, because both his Pikachu and Raichu have Thunder Wave and Double Team.

Considering that you have 3 team members weak to electric, you really only have 3 options for the fight, and they should all be at least L26 to make it easy (unless you're playing with a level limit), especially because Voltorb has Sonic Boom. His other moves aren't really that strong, considering that he only has Shock Wave, Tackle & Quick Attack to choose from, although from memory, Raichu hits REALLY hard. If you're not playing on set mode, I would advise you use Charmeleon/ Mankey first for Voltorb, and Gloom (as your Oddish will be) to tough it out for Pikachu & Raichu. However, the best strategy will be try and catch a ground type and spam the most powerful ground move, which you can do at the Diglett Cave if you haven't knocked out your encounter there. Diglett also evolves into Dugtrio at Level 26.

Considering that if you heal your paralysis Surge will just use T-Wave again, leave your Pokemon Paralysed until you're sure you can take his current Pokemon out.

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In my non-nuzlocke playthroughs of FireRed/LeafGreen, I used a broken strategy that makes the Lt. Surge battle a complete joke. Enter Diglett Tunnel and use a repel with a level 22+ (or just the highest level Pokemon you have), and you'll eventually enter a wild encounter with a level 29-31 Dugtrio. This Dugtrio will will come with either Dig, Magnitude, or both of the moves when caught, and as Dugtrio will be 5 or more levels higher than Lt. Surge's ace, you can just maul through his team with either move.

If you're playing a nuzlocke, or are just restricted to not using overleveled Pokemon, you can catch a Diglett which learns Dig once caught and train it up a bit, and/or teach one of your team members the Dig TM, which plenty of the early game Pokemon you have may learn.

Dugtrio might effortlessly defeat Surge, but I wouldn't recommend it because it becomes worse later in the game. Its physical attack isn't that great, magnitude is unreliable, and it has a hard time hitting ground resists. Nidoking and Mankey are both better dig users that you can use against Surge.
You could just use Dugtrio solely for the Lt. Surge fight, and as it doesn't use up the Dig TM due to it having the move once caught, the only thing you'll lose out on is the exp from the battle. If you're really insecure about missing out on the exp, just use one of many other Dig users you can get before the fight.
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Your only high levelled Pokemon are Charmeleon and Spearow. You just need to level up your Pokemon to a higher level. If you do that, you be able to defeat him. Also catch an Onix and train it till Lv. 22 at least. With that you you should be able to defeat him.

Doesn't Kenya only in Gold and Silver?
Yea, Kenya is Gen II/ Gen IV, not Gen III.
ya i guess you are right
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If you catch a diglett/dugtrio in diglett cave and train it to a mid to high 20 you can easily beat Lt. surge
