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I caught a Rayquaza in Pokemon Alpha sapphire with five perfect IVs and I was thinking of having it on my competitive team. The only problem is that it has no speed IVs and a speed hindering nature (relaxed). So I am wondering if there are any uses for it or if I should catch another. I haven't decided which Pokemon to have on my team yet, so feel free to recommend Pokemon to go with the Rayquaza (if it's any good in the first place).

If you want to use it for competitive, use a powersave to edit it's Nature and it's IV's, might be considered "hacking", but at the end of the day many others players do the exact same thing, besides you want it to be the best it possibly can be for competitive play.
On the contrary, use a synchronizer and hope for good IV's and don't hack but still it is your choice.

3 Answers

0 votes

Keep it. With maxed IVs it will take a hit. You could even use it to your advantage somehow.

0 votes

You should reset. Try to get a Jolly synchronizer and keep soft resetting until you get good IVs in HP, Atk, Def, SpD, and Speed. Those should be around 30-31, and make sure speed is 31. It should take from a day to three days ☺

0 votes

Sorry to answer over you guys and please don't accept this as BA but I can offer a bit more

Your Rayquazza

Ability: Air Lock
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Dragon Ascent
- Dragon Pulse
- Extreme Speed
- Dragon Dance

Advised moveset for your rayquazza
Rayquaza @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Air Lock
EVs: 100 HP / 252 Atk / 156 Def
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Dragon Ascent
- Dragon Claw
- Extreme Speed
- Dragon Dance

Advised strategy: use against staller not carrying will-o-wisp or weak-ish physical attacker that rayquazza can take hit's from (keep in mind delta stream) use dragon dance to power up and then sweep.

Advised partner: Whismicott carrying prankster and tailwind and sleep spore/ stun spore as support, also consider emolga carrying nuzzle could work and emolga looses all weaknesses from delta stream

Ideal Rayquazza

Ideal Ray (Rayquaza) @ Life Orb
Ability: Air Lock
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 76 HP / 220 Atk / 212 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Ascent
- Dragon Claw
- Extreme Speed
- Dragon Dance

Similar stratgy: Simply use 1 dragon dance and probably sweep from there.

Same partners


Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre (they overtake your ability)

uh, no.

Delta Stream cancels out their abilities. Also, since you have dragon ascent, you can mega evolve.
uh, no

Your wrong. Delta Stream is overtaken by Primal Kyogre and Groudons abilities. If put in play after delta stream, do your research before you accuse someone of being wrong. Also, before you claim that air lock overtakes them that is correct, but as you can see this is a mega rayquaza set.