PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Basically asking which four types of moves hit the most Pokemon super-effective out of all 721 available at the moment, percentage wise. This isn't asking what four types match up the best against all other types, although there might be a connection between these two things. Thanks :)

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3 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

After spending hours of my time on the type coverage checker,i found that a combination of Fighting,Electric,Ground and Flying types would hit 628 Pokemon super effectively and the remaining 172 neutrally while also taking care of Shedinja .
If you consider Generation 7, both numbers rise to 717 for super effective and 191 for neutral.

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1 vote

The site has a Type Coverage Checker that you can play around with to maximize the typing of a given moveset. I imagine this is for a Protean set?

Fiddling with it a bit, I was surprised at what Fire, Grass, Rock, and Fairy generated. 0 No Effect, 0 Not Very Effective, 229 Normal Effectiveness, and a whopping 571 Super Effective.

Thanks, I didn't know this existed.
1 vote

Fighting, Electric, Ice and Ground hit a whopping 624 Pokemon super-effectively, and hit the rest for neutral damage except for our good old Wonder Guard friend. I believe that this is the most coverage you will get as I could not find another superior combination after fiddling around with the Type Coverage Checker. Also, I looked this question up and the same combination was said in response to similar questions in other forums.
