PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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2 Answers

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Yes, if you breed two Pokemon from different Countries, the chances of getting a Shiny are increased to 1/1366 chance in B/W. Note, if the Pokemon are from two different countries, but have the same language, the chances will not increase at all. Also, if you breed two Pokemon that have different languages but you obtained one of them In-Game, the chance of getting a Shiny will stay the same. Also no, it will not Boost the chances of getting a Shiny from the original chance.


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god dang pb-10 you beat me! i had basically the same answer.
Lol, sorry I guess xD
any way to add on he asked if it boosted the chance even more. which it doesnt
1 vote

nope. sorry. it stays the same.
> The Masuda method is possible because
> of an internal marker on each Pokémon
> which identifies their "home
> location", 0x17. If the game
> recognizes the two Pokémon in the
> daycare as having different home
> locations, then the chances of the egg
> hatching into a Shiny Pokémon will
> increase. In Pokémon Diamond, Pearl,
> Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver,
> the odds will be increased by four
> times: from the usual 1/8192 to
> 1/2048. In Pokémon Black and White,
> the odds were increased again, to
> 1/1366. This is six times as likely as
> encountering a Shiny Pokémon in tall
> grass.

here is a link to this full bulbapedia article

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