PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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I just got the event zekrom and before i go battle with it I want to know if i have to ev train it. Also does this go with all event pokemon?


2 Answers

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Best answer

All event Pokémon come wi no EVs, random IVs and random nature, unless they are set have them. Also, Evs are gained with exps, so only way to EV train level 100 Pokémon is using vitamins and wings, which is pretty hard.

Not true about evs being gained with exp. At level 100, a Pokémon's stats will be one stat point higher in a specific stat for every four effort points gained in that stat.
You said the same about exp. And the 1 for 4 is what EVs do.
If his Lvl. 100 Zekrom battles a Patrat, it will not gain exp, but it will gain the 1 Attack EV Patrats gives. That is what i'm trying to say. EXP does not = EVs.
1 vote

No. You get EV's from battles, and they have never battled.

However, in battles that do not give any experience (such as in the Battle Tower or if the Pokémon is level 100), Pokémon will not gain any effort points. At level 100, a Pokémon's stats will be one stat point higher in a specific stat for every four effort points gained in that stat.

From: Bulbapedia
