Meta-PokéBase Q&A
7 votes

Due to us not knowing or confirming base stats, I think it should be noted NO X AND Y TEAMS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.

Eww no.
tbh I agree with Ninja on this.
I agree - also we don't know all the new move sets either so X and Y teams are a bit pointless.
I'm not gonna post an RMT or moveset anytime soon, but I think I wanna learn and explore what other people have come up with through this site, not when Smogon writes up analysis's.
Well in order for that to be successful, we should have finalized movepools and base stats first.
kFINE! I'll just take my X&Y somewhere I'm wanted (no 1 lieks me enimoar qq)!
True. True.
All base stats are on PS lol
Once nobody ever liked you in the first place >:1
I liked him once. (See what I did there?)
Are they correct is the question though? Helioptile's stats were changed, as were Hawlucha's. And a few others if my memory serves me well.
Also, many of the PS base states seem off or unnaturally high. For example, a final starter evolution had a bst of 550 last time I checked if I remember correctly.
yea PS has Delphox with a BST of 550, while Greninja has 540, and Chesnaught has a lowly 512 for some reason. I personally think Pokemon DB is closer, as it has all starters with a BST of 530.
Is it allowed now? We have almost all of the info, and we're starting moveset questions also.

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