Meta-PokéBase Q&A
8 votes

The errors should also be fixed now.

Jofly Approves
Torterra approves Jofly approving
Terlor approves Torterra approving Jofly's approval
ughh finally :)

Because we don't want you to be a combo breaker....

Generekt approves Terlor's approval of TOrterra's approval of Jofly's approval of Hex's post.
Ninja approves of c-c-combo breaker

1 Answer

1 vote

I pulled in the changes in the repo and there was still an error with extra braces (the } character).

Please make sure in future you are getting these right, that's basic coding 101.

Make sure the stuff lines up as well as that makes it easier to spot missing braces. Each control statement like if, else, for and so on should have its contents indented one tab each time. Like this (just an example with a random bit of code):

for (x=0;x<badWords.length;x++) {
	if (message.toLowerCase().indexOf(badWords[x]) > -1) {
		if (user.countBadWords == 1) {
			if ((!user.locked) && (!user.muted)) {
				user.mute(, 60000);
				room.add('|html|<b>some stuff</b>');
				connection.popup('some stuff');
				return false;

In that case you can see there is a brace missing before the last line.

huh? did I remove/forget to remove an extra }? sorry about that. I tend to indent my coding but I don't have any particular rule about how, so thanks for the one indent thing. Guess I went through the errors a bit too quickly.