Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

I Noticed you guys forgot to create a post on Diancie on the News Thread. I was wondering if you guys were going to do that. If you don't know, I'll give you the link to the Site.



2 Answers

4 votes

The real reason is that there is nothing to post. We already knew about Diancie (here) and I didn't see a reason to add that we got official confirmation.

When there is actual confirmation of an event to get Diancie, then there will be a news post.

However, I do need to update the Pokedex with more detailed information and the official art, which I will get to as soon as I have time.

0 votes

As you may have noticed, Pokemaster has been incredibly busy. The last news we had before the R/S remakes was about April Fools.

Posting it now would just be information, not really "news".
