Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

ok so i dont really know if getting banned takes points away, so if it does please tell me and how much it takes, ok so the main reason for my question is......i went from just over 1,000 point to just under 400 :L anyone know why?

Whoa you have 72 down votes, from the looks of things it looks like someone's spam down voted you :/

1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

I can answer this.

It was brought to several Experts that you had been in fact, Spam Upvoted. This was because you had 3 pages of consecutive questions which each had 1 or 2 upvotes - no exceptions. This normally means that you have been spam upvoted, due to the uniformity between the amount of upvotes and everything.
As such, several members of the community counter voted you - removing most of those apparent spam upvotes.
This has caused you to lose all those points.

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hm well i can tell u i dont ask for upvotes, but ok thnx anyway
Don't spam downvote to counter spam upvoting.
Just inform Pokemaster of the situation so he can remove the upvotes and then deal with the user who spam upvoted.
Yeah, don't do dat ;~;.