Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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I'm just wondering where it is. Did Sciz take it offline permanently or something?

idk, I asked on the chat and someone (I think it was mike) said they banned him XD
I have to run him externally until PM restarts.

1 Answer

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Best answer

Someone (probably Ninja :P) banned it by accident, so it's gone from the server, until Sciz removes the banned IP code and PM restarts the server.

edited by
Banning Scizbot..... D:<
Doesn't everyone hate Scizbot?
Yes but I was EXTREMELY curious so...
Scraf you got your facts mixed. If Sciz bans Scizbot it bans him too. So why would Sciz ban himself o3o (aside to troll but that's not my point)
Ninja banned.
Totally didn't silent edit this post.
Totally didn't publicly edit this post which can be verified by clicking the time edited ago link. None of you can prove it was me.
Everybody loves Scizbot you fools.