Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Shedinja's type effectiveness chart takes into account his ability (wonder guard) and lists all of the things that aren't super effective as not effective. But this is inconsistent with the rest of the Pokemon's charts, for example Magnemite's chart does not say ground is not effective, even though it cannot be hit by ground type with its ability (levitate).

In addition to it not being constant with the rest of the site, displaying the chart this way is inconvenient. Effects in the game may change the ability, or change how type effectiveness works (type effectiveness flipping battle room in Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire), and we would have to go look up the effectiveness on a Bug/Ghost pokemon elsewhere to get the info we need.

For these reasons I think Shedinja's chart should be changed to show how the types would be effective normally, without wonder guard.

I would suggest that for these pokemon, where their ability affects their type effectiveness, we add a footnote under the chart to point out that there are special cases.
Magnemite doesn't get Levitate.

There is no inconsistency.
I thought Magnemite does have the ability sturdy. It doesn't have the ability levitate, so the type effectiveness chart is consistent since Magnemite is still affected by ground moves
Gah, meant to say Levitate :P
Huh, and here I am avoiding using ground moves on them...

I still think it would make more sense to have the type chart reflect the pokemon's typing regardless of ability, simply because there is less information on the page for the same amount of space used. The site user can always look at the ability and quickly and easily note that the pokemon won't be affected by ground, for example, because of its ability. With pokemon like Bronzong, this is what has to be done anyway, as he has more than just levitate.

But given that other pokemon with only one ability take into account their ability in their type chart, i suppose its a design choice of the author instead of an error, so it would be more work to go through and change all of them

1 Answer

0 votes

This has already been done for a long while now. As others stated, Magnemite doesn't have Levitate.
