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Today is a time of candy, egg hunts, rabbits the size of men and general festivities. For some it means a good time with friends and family, for others it means a time of personal reflection, and still others see it as a free excuse to stuff their faces with Marshmallow Peeps. But no matter what Easter means to you – heck, you may not celebrate it at all – take some time today to take a break from the nonstop rush of life. Read a book, play some chess, eat candy until it comes out your ears, start a Nuzlocke, or draw something. Enjoy life.

Everyone have a great Easter!

Easter Egg

Yay Easter! I'm getting Mario party 10 today maybe.
uh, i hunted a bunch of eggs and got candeh.. mostly jelly beans and chocolate that I thought was gum.. and I don't like most chocolate :P I also drew... no nuzlocke tho
i love easter! Stuyff  your self up with candy ( and happiness)

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