Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

So when someone[like me] logs onto pokemon diamond pearl or platnium, they can actually find the pokemon in the pokedex

Huh? I don't quite get what you're asking.
Humonoid, Bipedal, Quadrupedal, etc etc. You know, like those things on Bulbapedia beside the footprint
Oh… I never found that those helped.
They don't. At all xP
What about color? They help in we even do those anymore?
I dunno how to break this to you... but I think you can see colors pretty damn well, and don't need an extra line of text for it :P
Unless you're colorblind, but then you wouldn't be playing monocolor at all.
But I have to know whether an orange Pokemon is classified as red, yellow, or brown.

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