Meta-PokéBase Q&A
12 votes

Those of you who were around three years ago will remember the spoiler-tag feature we had when X and Y were first released. I suggest that we bring this back for Sun and Moon, given that they're brand new games and their plot could easily be spoiled in all the energy following their release.

This would be great for European viewers in particular who still won't have access to the game for another five days, and also those like myself who will be too busy to play the game properly in the coming few weeks.

(If you're unfamiliar with the feature, it was a button on the main navigation page of PokeBase that would apply a strong fade effect to anything tagged "xy" -- "sun-moon" would likely apply now. It could be turned off if you want to see things as normal.)

EDIT: also, we've got new moveset threads to post. Time to bring back movesetbot? :D

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Woah that was three years ago. I remember asking the question that prompted Pokemaster to add the feature. :o
Of course, I believe that the feature should be returned for Sun and Moon. +1
In RMT people are already making Sun&Moon teams. This is just about right and we need the feature back.
Why do we only require spoiler warnings immediately after new releases? You guys realize that people still play games several months after they get released, right?
Then you might as well just have an entire tag across the site saying "Spoiler: This site spoils every pokemon game because we answer your questions"
I think the spoiler tag is only really there to manage a sudden influx of questions and spike in gameplay due to the new game. Once that dies down, there's no real point catering to people who should be aware that they're playing the game late, and consequently, will have some of the experience revealed for them especially on a Q&A site.
It's been implemented!

1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

Just added this to the site! Sorry it's pretty late, hopefully it's still useful for some people.

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Awesome, thanks very much. Still busy next week so this will definitely still be helpful for me at least!