Pokémon Rate My Team
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how much energy should i put in my deck?

i have zekrom EX
Entei EX
mewtwo EX
thunderous BW-Emerging Powers
tornadus BW-Emerging Powers
boufflant Black & White—Dragons Exalted
regigigas Diamond & Pearl—Legends Awakened 37/146 Rare
2 zekrom
tropical beach (promo)
tool scrapper
pokemon collecter 2
exp. share
gold potion
heavy ball
first ticket

look em all up here! i did not need to mark the trainers cause the are all the same
if there are any you think i should get rid of let me know. also. write how many of each kinda i should get. if there are any speical you think i should add also. let me know.

edited by
A million and two.

In reality, it would be useful to know what trainers you have in your deck before telling you the rest. But also, a rating might be useful to help you get the best possible deck. :P

You should also provide links to the cards. Some Pokemon, such as Regigigas, have multiple cards ine ach set.
will give upvote to man who answers!
rio! trachy! help me out here!
OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll assume that everything that doesn't have a "2" next to it is only 1 card, right? I can analyze this later, if you give me some time.
ya thats right... dorry. i was in a hurry when i made this. and to top it all off people were telling me "provide a link provide a link" have you SEEN how long those links can be???
EM, cause I'm both busy and lazy, meet me on chat so I can help you with the deck.
rio. my deck has COMPLETELY changed my deck
i got entie EX so you would imagine.
i will be working on fixing this up and change it soon.
i am lazy to.
so idk.

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