Pokémon Rate My Team
6 votes

Ohai der. Muh name ez not Mew and dats becuz et relly ezn't! Har! Har! Har! I em relly funny. So last nite I wuz hangin out at teh bar and I was all like "Hey, I shud relly buy uh boat." Ten I figered "Wel, I alreddy burnt muh last two so why dont I mek a Sun Tem!" Ten I figered "Naw, Sun ez fer jerks. Meybeh I shud mek a Ren Team? Yeh tet sunds gud". Ten I figered "Meybeh I shud go home and fed teh doggie."

So, yeah I made this team like an hour ago. It has done quite well winning each battle it has been in (gee, like 5). I really just wanted to make an RMT for the hell of it. So this team does contain some gimmicks, but of course they all work. Because I'm a punk you're gonna have to wait for the team has I'm gonna bring you my Team Building Process. Thanks for reading in advance. In the mean time, stay beautiful.

Team Building Process (With Help from my Twin, Twice)!


Wel, duh! Tis ez uh frikn Rain Tem you dumbut!

What's a Rain Team with Politoed? Its the only Pokemon available who gets Drizzle- infinite rain. But, there is something about this Politoed... What was it?
. Oh, that's right! An Expert Belt! My Poli is one of the cooler offensive Toeds because it doesn't go by the mainstream. This frog hits hard with a rain boosted Hydro Pump and kills anything weak to it (if it could fricking land a hit once in awhile). It also hits, well, everything else.

Ehhh!!! Ets uh Pedo!

I actually really wanted to make a Rain Team because I wanted to try this out. Agility Tornadus. It already gets a STAB 100% Hurricane in the rain, but with just an Agility, I am outspeeding the entire metagame. It's always funny getting swept by a Pokemon that you thought you could quickly take down with your scarfed Keldeo, but then you don't.

Teehee. He so Sturdy. Teehee he has Custap. Teehee. Spikes ez erryware.

Not for Spikes support, just for Rapid Spin. Tornadus needs some HP room so he can effectively sweep so that is why he is here, the Spikes are just for being an asshat. It also works as a physical wall, even though its not really needed as this is meant to be an offensive team. It just spins and Custaps (idefk).

Hardee Har! Har! I haz 3 legendariez! Har! Har! I so n00b.

Yeah, so I kinda just threw on these last three for heck of it. I ad always liked Scarfed Terrakion so I threw it on there and Scarfed Latios seemed like a good idea. Then there's SF LO Conkeldurr. Lemme teach you the math.

LO+SF+Conkeldurr>Anything that has ever existed ever.

There you go. Simple as that. GG. I win. You lose.

I tink Jirachi ez hawt.

So instead of using Scarf Terrakion, I'm using Scarf Jirachi. Scarf Jirachi is an interesting Pokemon. First I kind of ripped it off some kid, but he's a punk anyway. Jirachi actually gave this team perfect synergy, with Terrakion, we're vulnerable to Flying attacks (no matter how rarely used they are, it still kinda pissed me off). I would have given you a screenshot from Marriland's Team Builder, but as you can see I'm starting to get quite lazy. So, for all you oldies out there, yes our generation does blow. But anyway, at least the synergy is beautiful and that's all that really matter right.

Thanks for reading what you could. I honestly just couldn't think of anything clever to say near the end, so I apologize if it began to suck at the end. Also, if you were made fun of in this RMT I thank you for being a good sport and I know you won't take any of this to heart. The RMT will come in the near future so if you could be patient, that'd be great.



Tornadus Sweep #1
Jirachi's Healing Wish

Also, if you search "best RMT" on Battle Subway, you get this RMT as the top result!

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You got the names mixed up. The doggie is LCB and the nOOb is Leboss.
Yeah, not exactly sure who LCB is...
sorry he changed name to Breaking Point.
Oh, LCB=Last Chance Breaker.
You could of just looked at my Gravatar and got an idea :P nice team btw +1

2 Answers

0 votes

The Team


By the by, I gave Twice his meds so he is feeling much better.

Politoed @ Expert Belt
Trait: Drizzle
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature (+SpA, -Atk)
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power [Grass]

Hmm... Ahh, yes. We're finally doing this brother? Yes, yes. I always have adored that you've used Expert Belt Politoed even if you just started using this noon. I must say, its sly and has the element of surprise on it's side. The way you prance around the prediction feigning a choice item is so mischievous!

So lemme break down Politoed for you:

There are two kinds of Politoed-
1. Offensive
2. Defensive

I'm using the first option which is normally broken down into another two options.
1. Choice Specs
2. Choice Scarf

But because the mainstream sucks more than Kim Kardashian, I've chosen to use an Expert Belt, so I can trick my opponent into thinking I am carrying a Choice item. Here is a great scenario of a battle I just had not to long ago. Anyway, I carry a powerful Hydro Pump on my belt and coverage in Ice Beam and Focus Blast with HP [Grass] as the Hidden Power of choice for Gastrodon.

Tornadus @ Life Orb
Trait: Prankster
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature (+SpA, -Atk)
- Hurricane
- Focus Blast
- Agility
- Taunt

Marvelous! You've taken Tornadus, a Pokemon who's only access to set-up moves lie in Bulk Up and used Agility to outspeed all scarfed Pokemon there are. Why I haven't seen brilliance like this since our brother Thrice found the cure for cancer! God rest that young man's soul...

No need to adjust your glasses, that really is Agility. I honestly find that move to be underrated as when I first started using it, I thought it would be a gimmick. Nope. Really, outspeeding the prominent scarfed threats in this metagame, like Keldeo and Terrakion to name a few, is just so necessary and I doubt many people understand that Agility works. Yeah, I have two scarfers on my team so I may seem a little redundant, but unlike those guys, if I wasn't carrying Taunt, I would have 3 moves to choose from instead of being locked into one. Taunt is probably gonna be replaced soon enough to allow a third moveslot as his priority is sweeping. Hurricane is a super powerful STAB is now without downside (save for it's 8 pp) in the rain and Focus Blast hits ugly Ferrothorn.

Forretress @ Custap Berry
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spe)
0 Speed IVs
- Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Volt Switch
- Explosion

You seem to be using Suicide Lead Forretress, or Spin support? Ahh, now I understand. Forretress's role in the battle alternates between the two depending on your needs of the team. If you feel Stealth Rock won't be an issue in the match you attempt to clutter the field with Spikes and Explode and if you plan on keeping Stealth Rock off the field, you keep it alive at almost all costs. It also allows you to keep this team as offensive as possible, yet you use a defensive Pokemon. Very clever, indeed.

No, I just like it. >.>

But, seriously. Twice is right. Forry is there to either go out with a bang or sit quietly in the corner. The Custap Berry is something I have always found interesting and it is probably up there in my favorite strategy list. For those not familiar, the Custap Berry activates when the holder consumes the berry under 25% HP at the beginning of the turn and it allows the wielder to have +3 priority (I'm not entirely sure). Sturdy allows the Pokemon with the ability to survive with 1 HP when at full health. Together, this means Forry could either pull of a dual layer of Spikes, get an Explosion off, Volt Switch the heck outta there and of course spin. This allows Forry to be the perfect suicide lead or the perfect spin supporter. I use a slower set (0 Speed IVs and a Relaxed nature) to get a slower Volt Switch if needed.

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I love how you say "I have Hydro Pump on my belt", lolwat? xD
0 votes

The Team (contd.)

Jirachi @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Iron Head
- Ice Punch
- U-turn
- Healing Wish

I think we have metaphorically found the glue to this team. It uses the Scarfturn strategy to gain momentum and could act as a decent revenge killer. What really interests me about this team is that it has Healing Wish, which can safely heal any living Pokemon on your team. Another unorthodox yet original idea there, brother!

Actually I lifted this set from a dead body...

Jirachi really is the glue. To go over what Twice said briefly, Jirachi is the glue of this team because it provides much momentum with the ScrafTurning and can heal up any living Pokemon on the team who might be needed at that exact time to ensure victory. If Conk or Tornadus are low on the HP from LO then I just juice 'em up. Latios needs that fast kill, but can't switch in due to SR? Heal it right there. Its good to have a leg to stand on or a friend to lean on and that is what Jirachi is for this team. He sacrifices for the greater good- a victory for the whole team. Sometimes, though, Jirachi can be the shining star. Iron Head is for STAB and Ice Punch nails Lando and Gliscor where it hurts.

Latios @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Surf
- Thunderbolt

A second Pokemon to compliment this Scarf core. A special scarf this time around, though. The only standout is that you're starting to teeter into the mainstream. It is still a force to be reckoned with and it can maintain a role as a late game cleaner.

Latios's Draco Meteor is unmatched by most. A Draco Meteor basically kills anything not resisting it except for stupidly bulky Pokemon like Blissey and Chansey. Psyshock can put them away in two hits, but this is normally just all-out Draco-spam. Being one-dimensional isn't bad though. Latios is a great cleaner, as are most scarfs. This dot (get it? Dots are one dimesion? Ha! Ha!) still has depth though. I have a theory that I just formulated a few seconds ago upon typing this.

You're opponent realizes that Latios can basically dispose of everything on their team with Draco Meteor save 1 or 2 and at most 3, so they are forced to play carefully around it. They can't lose their checks and if they do its game over. When you're opponent plays carefully, they become predictable and when you become predictable, again, its game over. So remember to stock presence in your teams.

Conkeldurr @ Life Orb
Trait: Sheer Force
EVs: 120 HP / 252 Atk / 136 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Drain Punch
- Mach punch
- ThunderPunch
- Ice Punch

Another set not of the norm. LO SF Conkeldurr isn't the most common sight, but it is one to behold. It can hurt whatever thrown its way and it gets a necessary priority move which this team lacks. A good physical Pokemon slotted into the last spot on this offensive team.

About a month ago, this guy was all the rage on the Smogon RMT forum. Now its kind of been pooped out and forgotten. I have adopted it now and it probably is the best Conk set. Better than Bulk Up, better than Orb, better than SubPunch. A STAB Drain Punch combined with the Life Orb hurts, but not really. Mach Punch was actually necessary as this team lacked any form of priority. What's impressive though is the LO SF boosted elemental Punches. Ice for Grounds, Grass, etc. Thunder for Waters. What I like best about this guy is that he can take a hit so he can deal out more damage.

It was fun. Until next time, stay beautiful.

Thanks for reading it if you read it and if you didn't read it, there is no hope for you. Now before I end this RMT, I think we've learned a couple of things:

  1. You don't have to follow the mainstream. Be original. (Politoed)
  2. Underrated isn't bad. Overrated sucks. (Tornadus)
  3. One route isn't always enough. Be versatile. (Forretress)
  4. Always have a friend to lean on. (Jirachi)
  5. Being 1-D doesn't mean you're not a presence. (Latios)
  6. Have it your way. (Conkeldurr)


Flame, I hyperlinked to Mew's RMT right under that quote.
I use Healing Wish Blissey, deal with it. ;P
Hipster Slash.
Uh-huh! Better believe it.