Pokémon Rate My Team
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Abomasnow @ Abomasnowlite(w/e its called)
Snow Warning
140 HP/ 204 Atk/ 166 Sp. Atk
-Wood Hammer

In last year's VGC this set worked magically for me. I dont see why it wont work the same again this year with Snow's mega evolution giving him higher defensive and offensive stats.

Aromatisse @ Sitrus Berry
Aroma Veil
252 HP/ 206 Def/ 60 Sp. Atk
-Trick Room
-Dazzling Gleam
-Light Screen//Reflect/Taunt

This is my main supporter. His job is to set up TR on the first turn. Aroma Veil prevents her from being taunt bait while she does it, so if she survives TR is gaurenteed to go up. Dazzling Gleam is the attacking move of choice because it hits both targets and gets STAB for what it's worth. Disable, torment or encore is for clutch moments in a battle when risking a double protect on one of my other pokes is to risky. It either locks them in a move or forces them to use a move that I can predict around. And the last slot is just for additional support.

Mawile @ Mawilite
Intimidate -> Huge Power
252 HP/ 252 Atk/ 4 Sp.Def
-Crunch/Sucker Punch
-Play Rough
-Iron Head

Having two MEvos on a VGC team is perfectly acceptable. When I see two many threats to Abomasnow I'll use Mawile instead and vice versa. They do have one common weakness though, but anyways. This is a typical set for Mawile that works in singles as well so i wont explain to much. Im leaning more towards Crunch since Ill be using him in TR, but Sucker Punch is good when it wears off and to beat other priority moves.

Slowbro @ Leftovers
252 HP/ 252 Sp. Atk/ 4 Def
-Trick Room

Should I make him more bulky? I want his attacks to hurt, but I wanna make sure he stays alive in the first turn to get up TR too. Oblivious protects him from taunt now so like Aromatisse if he lives its gaurenteed to go up. Just like with Abomasnow and Mawile I'll use Aromatisse or Slowbro depending on the other team. I may even use them together.

Machamp @ Expert Belt
No Guard
252 HP/ 252 Atk/ 4 Def
-Dynamic Punch
-Ice Punch/Poison Jab
-Rock Slide/Stone Edge
-Bullet Punch/Protect

He's my main physical attacker aside from Mawile. Poison Jab is for fairys. Rock Slide hits both opponents, but Stone Edge hits harder and has perfect accuracy. Ice Punch is for dragons. Dynamic Punch explains itself. And BP is for priority.

And Lastly
Rotom-H @ White Herb/?
-Will-o-wisp/Confuse Ray

I dont wanna use Rotom-W because of my SLowbro already being my water type. White Herb is so overheat can be used twice at full power and discharge is a move that hits both targets. But it has a high chance to paralyze and thats not very wise for a TR team. W-o-w and Confuse Ray is just to mess with the opponent. I noticed my team was very Talonflame weak so that is why I chose him.

This is the team, please tell me what you like and hate about it. Thanks!

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I like the team but could you explain the EVs please?
I put 252 into HP for most of my All-Out Attacking pokemon because speed investment isnt necessary on a TR team.
And all of my pokemon are fairly bulky, so max HP helps increase that even more, allowing them to take special and physical hits better.
For example, my Machamp. If I went 252 into Defence he wont take many special hits that well.

And Abomasnow's EVs are set up so he can take advantage of his bulk when he mega evolves, and the attack EVs are for Earthquake and WoodHammer. The Sp.Atk Evs are for abusing his most powerful Ice moves: Blizzard.

Aromatisse's more of a support pokemon, so going 252 into Sp. Atk for him isnt necessary. Instead I chose a Sassy nature for increased Sp.Def, and the EV's into Defense makes both of his defensive stats be around the same.
All pokes dont need 252 HP, set your main goals: Like Slowbro living a LO Dark Pulse from 252+ Hydreigon. Keep that in mind when building your team. Also a lot of faster Pokemon screw you up when TR dies
My Aromatisse takes care of dark types that Slowbro cant really deal with. Even if I go Sassy with max HP and Defence a LO Dark Pulse from a 252+ Hydreigon will 2HKO regardless,

Against Aromatisse it's a 5HKO and he can OHKO 252 HP Hydreigon with a Dazzling Gleam. I dont expect any Hydregions to run any Sp. Def investment.

I agree that I do need someone to go to if one of my TR setters fall though
I dunno if you playedGen 5 Vgc ?  But a TTar/SD Scizor combo wrecks your entire team. I would like to battle this though on PS.

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