Pokémon Rate My Team
2 votes

Well, besides the one I made with Brotad, all my teams were really bad (like the one I made with medicham). So I made a half-decent team, and his came out.

The Team:

enter image description here Salamence Genesect Rotom Smeargle Excadrill

Teambuilding Process
Well, mawile looked like a good mega, bulky while having fantastic offense. So I decided to build a team around it.
Mawile's main switch-ins, after some testing, turned out to be steels. I tested magnezone, but I then was weak to EQs. So I tested salamence, who could EQ/ fire blast steels. Between the two of them, they also cover each other's weaknesses and cover most types in the game. I never looked back.
mawile salamence
Genesect was almost automatically added. It is probably the most OP pokemon in the game right now, and is a great asset on almost any team.
mawile salamence genesect
Rotom was added for two reasons. It formed a fantastic VoltTurn core with genesect, and it is probably THE anti-metagame pokemon right now. It counters talonflame, azumarill, etc.
mawile salamence genesect rotom-wash
The team was a little slower than I would like, so I decided to add sticky web support. I never really liked Galvantula, so I used smeargle.
mawile salamence genesect rotom-wash smeargle
Lastly, the team didn't like opposing web users, so I added a spinner. Excadrill was chosen because it is probably is the current best spinner in OU.
mawile salamence genesect rotom-wash smeargle excadrill

Mawile (F) @ Mawilite
enter image description here
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk/ 8 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Play Rough
- Sucker Punch
- Substitute
- Iron Head

Mawile is so good. With only two weaknesses, both of which are resisted by mence and rotom, it is also hard to take down. I opted for the sub set over the SD set as the SD set, while very powerful, is revenged much easier. In this frailer metagame, most of its moves will be a KO anyway. Here are a few calcs.
252+ Atk Huge Power Mega Mawile Play Rough vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Rotom-W: 210-247 (69 - 81.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Huge Power Mega Mawile Play Rough vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Excadrill: 210-247 (58 - 68.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
etc. Any pokemon it doesn't 2HKO salamence can.
Fire- salamence rotom-wash
Ground- salamence rotom-wash

Salamence (M) @ Life Orb
enter image description here
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 72 Atk / 184 SAtk / 252 Spd
Naive Nature
- Fire Blast
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Draco Meteor

Standard MixMence really. The only thing that has held MixMence back gen after gen was speed tiers. Well no longer! with sticky web up, it can outspeed Mluke, Scarfed Genesect, etc. The ones that he doesn't outspeed are Lati@s, which are dealt with by Mawile, and Talonflame, which is dealt with by Rotom. While it was originally intimidate, Moxie gives it sweeping potential (ask once).
Ice- mawile genesect rotom-wash
Rock- mawile excadrill
Dragon- mawile genesect excadrill
Fairy- mawile genesect excadrill

Genesect @ Choice Scarf
enter image description here
Ability: Download
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Hasty Nature
- Flamethrower
- Ice Beam
- U-turn
- Bug Buzz

Genesect is probably the best scarfer in OU, getting even better with web. I don't think I really have to talk about this one, as if you play OU, you see this all the time.

Fire- salamence rotom-wash

edited by
I think you might want to reconsider Excadrill, considering that you're using a defensive set and defensive Excadrill is (imo) outclassed by its offensive set, in addition to it adding another Fire weakness. Salamence is not an option for walling fire moves, especially coming from a Charizard Y, so Rotom is pretty much your only fire switch in (but still not safe for Charizard Y considering that it carries Solarbeam).
Charizard could give this team a tough time as made mention of, but if you replace Bug Buzz with Thunderbolt, you should be able to deal with effectively enough.

252 SpA Genesect Thunderbolt vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Charizard: 214-252 (71.8 - 84.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+1 252 SpA Genesect Thunderbolt vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Charizard: 318-376 (106.7 - 126.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Just remember that Genesect usually gets +1 attack on Char so the second calc might not always be applicable. SR should ensure anything can kill it. Unless there is a real reason as to why you have Buzz over TBolt, I'd just suggest switching it altogether.

+1 tho cos I hate you+Sticky Web
Also I don't think you need Hasty nature on Genesect; it's not like U-Turn is going to be your main damage dealer, so I think Timid is really fine for Genesect since U-Turn is a scout move.
No, I would suggest sticking with Hasty. U-turn is abused a lot throughout the match and is used more than its othe three moves. Some people run extra attack just so U-turn can leave a bigger mark.
I would actually suggest Naive > Hasty, since priority is dominantly physical.
To be honest, anyone with some minute predicting skills will switch to something resistant to Genesect when they see it scout; the damage U-Turn does is negligible.
I get that, but you don't want to nerf the power of a move you basically abuse throughout the entirety of the match. Scarfed Turners function like hazards on this team as they rack up enough damage to ensure that a Pokemon like tazzie's MixMence can begin its sweep.

1 Answer

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Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers
enter image description here
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 216 HP / 52 SAtk / 240 Spd
Modest Nature
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump
- Will-O-Wisp
- Pain Split

Rotom is what I use to deal with azumarill and talonflame, two of the most threatening pokemon in the metagame. It also forms a VoltTurn core with genesect. A lot of people have been doing ChestoRest rotom, but I think pain split is Underrated, so I've been using it. Extra speed it to burn stuff, and Hydro pump helps me with annoying sand.
Grass- mawile salamence genesect

Smeargle (M) @ Focus Sash
enter image description here
Ability: Own Tempo
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Spore
- Stealth Rock
- Sticky Web
- Whirlwind

Each move here is absolutely neccesary. Spore puts things to sleep, which is very handy. SR is SR, lol. Sticky web is the crux of this team, and Whirlwind is to prevent smeargle from being fodder.

Fighting- salamence

Excadrill @ Assault Vest
enter image description here
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 88 Spd / 184 SDef / 172 Atk / 64 HP
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Iron Head
- Rapid Spin
- Rock Slide

AV excadrill is no joke, and is one of the best spinners there is. It can live an Aura sphere from Mluke, and KO back, deals with rotom, etc. Although I like it, I'm thinking of going offensive with it or switching it for AV conk.

Fire- salamence rotom-wash
Water- salamence rotom-wash
Fighting- salamence
Ground- salamence rotom-wash
