Pokémon Rate My Team
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Sorry if the composition seems dumb, but I've only made this team by learning from watching Wi-Fi battles. This is also my first time composing an actual team.

Greninja@Life Orb
Ability: Protean
Nature: Timid
252 Speed/252 SpA/4HP
- Taunt
- Surf
- U-turn
- Ice Beam

Tyranitar@Focus Sash
Ability: Sand stream
Nature: Jolly
128 HP/252 Atk/132 Speed
- Pursuit
- Stealth Rock
- Crunch
- Stone Edge

Gengar@Black Sludge/Gengarite *Because of the ban on Mega Gengar
Ability: Levitate/Shadow Tag
Nature: Timid
252 SpA/252 Speed/4 SpD
- Substitute
- Disable
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast

Scizor@Choice Band
Ability: Technician
Nature: Adamant
252 Atk/252 HP/4 Def
- U-Turn
- Bullet Punch
- Quick Attack
- Brick Break

Ability: Prankster
Nature: Bold
252 HP/128 SpD/128 Def/4 Speed
- Spikes
- Foul Play
- Reflect
- Light Screen

Gliscor@Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
Nature: Jolly
252 Speed/252 HP/4 Def
- Roost
- Toxic
- Protect
- Whirlwind

Now please clarify me if what I state maybe incorrect. My point of having Greninja as lead is the because of his amazing speed + taunt, most leads I see are supports but in the event that the opponent's lead is not a support, I'd U-turn to a pokemon that can take a hit (Gengar or Tyranitar are examples) and then I'd either keep him for late game or sweep most of the opponent's pokemon early. Tyranitar has a mixed set, with the EV spread + Jolly I can atleast out speed a couple of pokemons (I'm not sure on this); I also want to keep Tyranitar alive as much as possible for switch's or U-turns for his Sand stream. Gengar, I just picked him because he's pretty strong atm, and can delay for awhile for that sandstorm. Scizor has this EV spread because I primarily focused on the use of those priority moves (I could change this to 252 Spd EV and add different moves). Klefki, a wall support. Finally Gliscor, my strategy with this guy is to delay and to toxic most of the opponents team while switching-out the opponent's pokemon and receiving hazard damage.


1 Answer

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You have a good team going on here. I would run impish on gliscor personally but i think your ok. As for klefki, klefki isn't remarkably speedy to begin with so other pokemon with prankster and low attack like sabelye and whimsicott will walk all over you, so put at least some speed on it. I also think your not planning for something that can easily sweep your team if your not very careful. One of the most OU pokemon of all time, magic bounce espeon. With so much depending on the set up of your staturs moves, you don't really have much that can stop an espeon if it comes out. Gengar: Nope. Sorry but since most espeons run psyshock and outspeed gengar, your done. Klefki: maybe. You would defeinetley need to set up dual screens and spam foul play but you could potentially handle one, despite klefki's average attack stat. T-tar: No. Some espeons have fairy type moves (dazzling gleam) . Maybe i'm thinking of it too much of it but i say, if you gave your gliscor just one move that isn't status this team could be a huge threat. Good job coming up with this, happy battling! =)
