Pokémon Rate My Team
4 votes


enter image description hereHello there. It has been eons since I have posted an rmt seeing as I accidently deleted all my teams on PS! .-. Anyway, one day I decided to build a team featuring less common Pokemon in OU. However it all really started when I decided to build a team around a Mega which I doubt anyone still knew still existed, Houndoom. It is a little different to most other megas, however I can assure you that this thing eats so many threats, that it isn't even funny anymore. Anyway, without wasting more of my precious characters, the team.

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Fenrir (Houndoom) (M) @ Houndoominite

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Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Timid Nature

  • Flamethrower
  • Dark Pulse
  • Sludge Bomb
  • Nasty Plot

The main Pokemon and pretty much star of the team, Mega Houndoom is nothing to take lightly. If anyone ever told you it has to be in sun before it can actually work, then you were misleade. Despite it really hitting extremely hard in sun, it is still a powerhouse to be reckoned with. Houndoom's role on this team is to pretty much check many steel/ghost types and dent all other types.Dark Pulse being the primary stab dents everything barring fairy types, making it a highly favorable move. Flamethrower is like Dark Pulse a powerfulstab attack and here for mainly the steel types and Bisharp in particular. Once Mega evolved, Houndoom can switch in on everything Bisharp, who is in fact one of the most threatening Pokemon in OU and attempt to kill it as Bisharp fails to KO it at +2.Sludge Bomb. Yeah, this thing actually learns Sludge Bomb. This is for ofc ourse our beloved fairy types who think that their funny. After one Nasty Plot, Houndoom 2HKOs Max HP/SDef Sylveon, OHKOs Mega Gardevoir and OHKOs Azumarill who fails to kill Houndoom with Aqua Jet at full health.Nasty Plot is just me indicating that I am planning to sweep you <;

Odin (Conkeldurr) (M) @ Assault Vest

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Ability: Guts
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 120 HP / 116 SDef / 20 Spd / 252 Atk
Adamant Nature

  • Drain Punch
  • Mach Punch
  • Knock Off
  • Ice Punch

Well, I was out of creativity and said, hey, why not use one of the most common Rotom counters. Conkeldurr pretty much says, STOP to burn and all other shenanigans status inducers desire to inflict my team with . Not much to say about the moves because everyone pretty much runs these. However I did decided to use its gen 5 EV spread over its Gen 6 one, which I personally regard to be a little less effective despite the gen 6 one being capable of taking special hits a little better, with the old EV spread Conkeldurr remains overall bulkier. I invested 20 EVs in speed to outpace other Conkeldurr.

Jörð (Donphan) (F) @ Leftovers

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Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 88 Atk / 192 HP / 228 Def
Impish Nature

  • Stealth Rock
  • Rapid Spin
  • Ice Shard
  • Earthquake

Knowing that Houndoom, despite getting nice defensive buffs, is still a pretty frail Pokemon, I preferred to keep hazards away from my side of the field but still on that my opponents. So, no matter what, I was and am not considering a defogger, especially with Bisharp, switching in, everytime you want to use Defog as when it gets the Defiant boost, it is pretty capable of sweeping teams and I am not going to rely on one Pokemon to take out a threat as such, so Donphan was and is still a pretty nice addition to this team. Running the standard SR/Spin set, however with again a little different EVs. I decided to add in a little more attack EVs so in order for it to weaken Sylveon till the extent that Houndoom/Salamence can take it out the next turn with Sludge Bomb/Earthquake respectively.

Rotom-Wash @ Chesto Berry

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Ability: Levitate
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 212 SDef / 44 Spd / 252 HP
Calm Nature

  • Rest
  • Will-O-Wisp
  • Hydro Pump
  • Volt Switch

If you haven't seen this Pokemon this gen, you have never played OU before. Rotom-W is a top-tier OU Pokemon and also for a good reason. With one weakness and excellent bulk, it is a threat to many threats in OU. I decided to run the specially defensive set over the defensive set because I needed another Pokemon other than Conkeldurr to absorb special attacks. With this set, Rotom is also pretty much a very nice check to all forms of Aegislash, as it can burn physical variants and much up Shadow Balls that the special variants enjoy to fire off.

Gothitelle (F) @ Choice Specs

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Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Spd / 252 SAtk
Modest Nature

  • Signal Beam/Shadow Ball
  • Trick
  • Psychic
  • Hidden Power [Fire]

Now this, is a very interesting Pokemon. Gothitelle is all like:"Screw you OU, I will take down all your babies!" Gothitelle is one of the most annoying Pokemon to face as whenever it switches into a Pokemon, it is pretty much capable of sweeping it off the face of the earth as unless they carry Ally Switch/Baton Pass/U-turn or Volt Switch, they are pretty much doomed to fall. It also serves as my No1 Conkeldurr counter as with prediction it can switch into a non-Knock Off turn and OHKO it through the AV with Psychic. Also serving as a pretty nice Mega Venusaur counter(all variants who don't carry Sleep powder that is). I borrowed this particular set from a good battler and rival, Nick, a.k.a Once a.k.a i suck qq etc.. lol. However I often switch between Signal Beam and Shadow ball depending on my mood. Psychic is my only Stab and a good one at it, wrecking so many trapped souls. HP Fire was originally here to kill of Genesect, who ere locked into every move but Iron Head/U-turn. The EVs spread was also borrowed from him, enough to outpace most Scizor, barring the banded/scarfed ones who usually carry a little more speed and kill them with HP Fire. Trick is just so funny as it usually cripples many walls.

Salamence (M) @ Choice Scarf

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Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 SAtk
Naive Nature

  • Stone Edge
  • Outrage
  • Earthquake
  • Fire Blast

Last bu most certainly not least, Salamence, my revenge killer. Why would I use it over Garchomp? Mainly because it is a better late-game sweeper. It already hits harder than Garchomp+it packs a nice ability in Moxie making it literally unstoppable as even Pokemon who resist Outrage will find themselves OHKOd by Outrage after more than 2 Moxie boost. I used to run Draco Meteor to wreck phsyical walls but Charizard Y is way too threatening to let get away and I can't always rely on rocks soI run Stone Edge now+now I have a nice EdgeQuake coverage. Fire Blast wrecks Pokemon such as Ferrothorn and Scizor.


edited by
Ty bwother C:!
Mold Breaker Excadrill is quite common in OU now, so I would count that as two potential weaknesses for Rotom.

Js :P
This team has a weakness to Pinsir if there are any rocks. + 2 quick attack KOs salamence after SR, and rotom has to be at full health, and is STILL sometimes ohkod. That's why I recommend physically defensive chestoresto, as it can handle it well enough. Also +1 for gothi and a great team otherwise
I thought that gothitelle had to be male... :P
Yeah, I can see how Pinsir is capable of rippling the team apart. I will try the suggestion, thanks tazzie
@TechnoBlastBoy Gothitelle can also be female with its hidden ability as of gen 6, seeing as you can catch it in the Friend Safari, making its HA compatible with all genders

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