Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hey! InfernapeBurn here. I decided to try my hand at Doubles, and I somehow ended up with a sun team. Here we go!


Lead/Offensive Core:Cherrim, Charizard and Goodra (Cherrizardra)

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Cherrim @ Leftovers / Heat Rock
Ability: Flower Gift
EVs: 252 Atk / 60 HP / 196 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Petal Blizzard
- Sunny Day / Aromatherapy
- Protect
- Bullet Seed / Aromatherapy

Charizard @ Charizardite Y
Ability: ??? ---> Drought
EVs: 200 SAtk / 192 Spd / 116 HP
Timid Nature
- Heat Wave
- Roost / Air Slash
- Air Slash / Solar Beam
- Protect / Roost

Goodra @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Sap Sipper
EVs: 252 SDef / 184 Atk / 72 SAtk
Brave Nature
- Fire Blast
- Earthquake
- Dragon Tail
- ???

Charizard and Cherrim will be my lead two, a core I call either Charrim or Cherrizard. Drought gets the sun up, activating Cherrim's Flower Gift. I'll probably Double Protect or Protect/Heat Wave depending on the situation. Then, Zard switches out to Goodra while Cherrim uses Petal Blizzard. Goodra absolutely ADORES Flower Gift, boosting it's two main stats in use here, while Sap Sipper boosts his attack even more. Dragon Tail does lots of damage at +2. The Weakness Policy's trait of raising both Attack and Special Attack is so that it can be useful to both types of attackers, but it becomes even deadlier in the hands of a mixed attacker like Goodra, whose extreme bulk allows it to take supereffective attacks like a champ. Goodra's Fire Blast is some special coverage that gets a Sun boost. His Earthquake is a spread move that allows him to pair with Charizard as well, because his Flying subtype lets him avoid Ground moves. Cherrim's Sunny Day is there in case Zard's sun runs out, which it definitely will. This also justifies the Heat Rock item, letting said sun last longer. Bullet Seed is in case of an emergency where Petal Blizzard won't work, like when I'm paired with anyone but Goodra or Zard. Aromatherapy can heal my status conditions if need be. Charizard's Air Slash is secondary STAB, and Solarbeam is a one-turn, 120-BP Grass coverage move. Roost is a healer, should I need it. Goodra's undecided moveslot could be any one of Counter, Acid Armor, Sludge Wave, Dragon Pulse, Thunderbolt, Blizzard, Curse, Protect, or Power Whip

Defensive/Tank Core: Arcanine, Florges, and Tangrowth (Arcangrorges)

Arcanine @ Fire Gem
Ability: Intimidate / Flash Fire
EVs: 252 Def / 180 SAtk / 76 HP
Bold Nature
- Heat Wave
- Will-O-Wisp
- Protect
- Morning Sun

Florges @ Leftovers
Ability: Symbiosis / Flower Veil
EVss: 252 HP / 252 SDef / 4 SAtk
Calm Nature
- Moonblast
- Toxic
- Wish
- Protect

Tangrowth @ Occa Berry
Ability: Leaf Guard / Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 64 Atk / 196 Def
Adamant Nature
- Natural Gift
- Sleep Powder
- Poison Powder
- Power Whip

Whaaaaaat? Defensive Special Attacking Arcanine? Yup. Intimidate is a useful ability in Doubles, provided there's no Bisharp, and also boosts the team's Physical Defensive capabilities, in which it is somewhat lacking. Flash Fire would help with the Fire weakness that having two Pokémon on a sun team inevitably brings. Heat Wave is a useful spread move, and the reason this Arca is Special. Protect is invaluable in Doubles, as moves like Earthquake can be problematic. Morning Sun heals more than usual in Sun. After the Fire Gem is consumed, Florges' Symbiosis can give it some Leftovers. Moonblast, Toxic, Wish, Protect is fairly standard. Tangrowth's Occa Berry gives him some physical Sun-boosted move to work with in Natural Gift until it serves its purpose with protecting him from a Sun-boosted supereffective attack, and then his item will be replaced by Leftovers from Symbiosis. If I don't use Symbiosis, Regenerator will be the ability as Leaf Guard will become redundant. Poison and Sleep Powders for a Double Powder set.. Will-O-Wisp provides an invaluable attack-lowering Burn, as this team, as previously stated, lacks a whole lot of physical defense.

So, there's my team! I hope you can help me with my first attempt at Doubles! Looking back at the way it's arranged, maybe I should do a Triples version. Thanks!

Replay 1
Replay 2

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