Pokémon Rate My Team
5 votes

Welcome to my latest UU team! After the arrival of ORAS and its new Megas my favourite tier RU became near unplayable, so after a minor holiday from competitive Pokemon altogether I wanted to make a new team in UU. I choose to base it around one of my favourite Pokemon from last gen UU, Miltank, and it proved it still works marvellously.

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Miltank (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Thunder Wave
- Milk Drink
- Stealth Rock
- Seismic Toss

Miltank's greatest asset is its phenomenal physical bulk and high speed. It can take on almost all physical attackers in the tier, bar the Fighting types. Still, it can take some of those on as well:

252+ Atk Life Orb Lucario Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Miltank: 351-413 (89 - 104.8%) -- 25% chance to OHKO

This incredible bulk and great movepool makes this NU Pokemon incredibly good: Thunder Wave and Milk Drink allows it to stall and annoy to no end, and SR is just overall a good move. Seismic Toss is good, solid damage and make sure Miltank isn't complete setup bait. Thick Fat was chosen over Scrappy and Sap Sipper as neither Grass or Ghost type are very common in the tier, and my other Pokemon can deal with them far better than Miltank could ever do. Thick Fat also allow me to wall the myriad of Fire types in the tier, and completely shut Glalie down.

252+ Atk Refrigerate Glalie-Mega Explosion vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Thick Fat Miltank: 192-226 (48.7 - 57.3%) -- 47.7% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Despite taking Fighting types on better than most Normal types, I needed something that could really take them on, as well as threaten them.

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Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 120 HP / 252 Atk / 136 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Acrobatics
- Roost
- U-turn
- Defog

This set might seem strange but there is reason in the madness. I wanted a bulky Crobat, but it got outspeeded by some really hard hitters. With Jolly and 136 Speed EV's it reaches 362 Speed, enough to outspeed fully invested base 115 Pokemon, such as Ambipom, and thus outrunning most other sweepers in the tier like Galvantula, +1 Scrafty, Azelf, Lucario and Mienshao. 120 HP allows it to survive 252+ Atk Machamp Stone Edge, which is pretty much the strongest non STAB I need to be able to take.

252+ Atk Machamp Stone Edge vs. 120 HP / 0 Def Crobat: 288-340 (84.4 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Thus I can put the rest of the EVs into Attack. No item was chosen to minimize the damage done by Knock Off, as well as boost the power of Acrobatics. Roost and Defog are for longlivety and team support, whilst U-Turn is just great for scouting and gaining momentum.

With the physical half of the tier covered I wanted something that could take on the special side, whilst also synergising well with Miltank and Crobat.

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Florges (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Symbiosis
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Wish
- Protect
- Moonblast
- Heal Bell

Despite my initial hate for this thing its sheer utility won me over. Heal Bell supports the team whilst also allowing Miltank to run Stealth Rock support. Wish and Protect are for the usual stall-and-support shenanigans, whilst Moonblast is just some solid damage. Not much to say really, standard support Florges.

Now I wanted something that could hit back, a Scarfer that didn't add a ton of weaknesses:

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Jirachi @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- U-turn
- Iron Head
- Trick
- Zen Headbutt

I'm not using ParaFlichRachi, that's something right? I admit it is kind of cheap but I refrain from relying on Flinchhax as much as possible. U-Turn is great for momentum/Scouting, whilst Trick can severely cripple most things with a unfavourable item. Zen Headbutt and Iron Head are great STAB with really good coverage. Just overall a great Pokemon.

Moving on I felt I needed some key resistances, most notably Ground, Water and Grass:

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Rotom-Mow @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Volt Switch
- Trick
- Leaf Storm
- Hidden Power [Ice]
I really like this thing. Dual Scarfers are always nice, and its many resistances along with Volt Switch for scouting makes it just a blast. Leaf Storm hits some key Pokemon like Swampert and Quagsire really good, whilst HP Ice is good coverage. Trick is the same deal as Jirachi's, potentially crippling something beyond any saving.

Lastly I wanted a Mega, but also something that could work as a status sponge. Not wanting to use something silly like MCamerupt a opted for a Guts user:

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Machamp @ Assault Vest
Ability: Guts
EVs: 252 HP / 240 Atk / 16 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat
- Fire Punch
- Knock Off
- Heavy Slam
Rounding this team of is the best Guts user south of OU after the departure of Heracross. Close Combat and Knock Off are natural STAB, coverage and team support. Fire Punch was chosen since the team sorely lacked a Fire move, whilst Heavy Slam was chosen over its normal coverage move Poison Jab as Heavy Slam OHKOs Florges and any other Fairy in the tier. AV is just a good item.

So that was the team, ive had both alot of fun and quite good battling succes, currently standing on a 20-6 win/loss ratio.
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That was all for this time, good luck and have fun!

+1 for the title.
Now I really like the team, Miltank looks very neat and I honestly never thought it was actually viable out of NU.
+1 for that Rotom-Mow image.
Couple of things to consider:

Making your Crobat outspeed base 121's. Nothing on this team wants to take on MPidgeot. Also, nothing on this team wants to take on Alakazam. Save yourself the trouble and give crobat the speed creep. Alternitavely, you can always use Bulky Support MAerodactyl > Crobat, as they virtually do the same thing. Depends if you want U-turn vs better match ups.

You need a LOT of speed on machamp. To be precise, you need 168 Speed evs to outspeed florges, the main reason you run heavy slam. Also consider a choice band.

If you do make the change to Bulky Aerodactyl, consider SubToxic Rachi > Scarf Rachi.  

Change Miltank to Mega Audino LOL ;) (jk dont use maudino on this team)

If you need any of the sets i mentioned, hit me up with a wall post and i'll get them to your asap. I dont like revealing customized sets  hue

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I'm bored so I'll throw in a few things. I don't have as much experience with UU as I do with other things, but I've played enough of it for my changes to be valid I think.

Love the use of Miltank here, it's a very underrated Pokemon. Taking a Stealth Rocker role with it is still a bit weird since it probably isn't the best at setting it up due its typing, but it fits with your team nicely especially since Florges does Heal Bell for it. The main change I'd suggest here is Body Slam over Seismic Toss, for a few reasons:

  • It allows Miltank to paralyse Ground-types through their Thunder Wave immunity. Pokemon like Krookodile and Flygon (who Miltank is your best switchin to) are threats to your team as their STAB hits it unresisted, and they can play against Miltank with no fear of paralysis. Body Slam stops this from happening. Mega Swampert with Ice Punch is also a threat, and Body Slam can potentially paralyse it and interrupt its attacks.
  • It is only resisted by three types, two of which being very uncommon, making it an easily spammable move that will pressure your opponent as any switchin risks being paralysed.
  • It deals more damage than Seismic Toss on multiple occasions. Miltank has a decent Attack stat and gets STAB from the move; don't overlook that.

Your Crobat set looks really cool, but I still question the use of Acrobatics. I never thought about it beating Knock Off, which definitely gives it a reason to be used. However, I still think that Brave Bird may be a better option. Obviously it allows you to have your Black Sludge back, which can be incredibly helpful in preventing 2HKOs. It is also still stronger than Acrobatics without an item, and since this is a semi-offensive Crobat, the extra damage could help with some extra KOs. The loss of the Knock Off debuff can be compensated for partially by Roost and the fact that many of its users in UU don't get STAB from it. The niche in beating Knock Off is also lost after you reveal Acrobatics, which will stop any smart opponent from using the move on you. Crobat gets recoil from it obviously, but again, you have Roost to help deal with that and also Wish passing support from Florges, which allows you to be a bit more careless with some of your moves.

Your Florges and Jirachi sets are both solid, although Jirachi may be interested in Fire Punch, a move that can be useful for catching things like Lucario, Forretress and opposing Jirachi trying to switch in on Iron Head or Zen Headbutt. Two Trick users seems highly unnecessary in my opinion, and I think Jirachi is in more need of an extra move than Rotom-Mow is, so maybe replacing Trick on Jirachi could be an option. The best Rotom-Mow gets is Thunderbolt, which doesn't provide it with any extra coverage. Ice Punch could also be considered as it serves as a nice way to remove Band Flygon and Scarf Flygon that don't run Jolly (although you can try to speed tie Jolly variants).

Unless you really care about Thunderbolt over Trick on Rotom-Mow, I can't fault your set. Machamp is another set I really like - Heavy Slam seems cool - but it is missing Stone Edge, which is a great coverage move that No Guard improves a lot. If you make the Fire Punch change on Jirachi, Machamp's need for Fire Punch is lower, so that may be a potential replacement.

That was way longer than I though it would be xD I really like this team, it's got some really nice surprises like Heavy Slam and Miltank, and it uses dual Scarves which makes me like it even more :)

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Crobat is actually commonly seen with the Acrobatics set. It means it can spam a strong move without BB negating its 6% recovery each turn, or losing more than it gains. BB is actually a pretty poor choice on Crobat imo.

Also, MSwampert really isnt a threat in UU :3
Swampert is higher ranker than MPert. The thing simply sucks without rain. And manual Rain Dance is poopy.

Heavy Slam is necessary on Machamp nowadays, as is 168 speed to outspeed and OHKO any florges. Stone edge doesnt really hit anything knock off (and ice punch > fire punch) doesnt.

Lastly, Flygon died as a Scarfer (ABOUT TIME THAT CRAP THING DIES)in usage
Thanks for the input man. Il make sure to try it out, especially the Fire Punch on Jirachi.
@Lb: inexperience with UU right there :D I personally had some success with Megapert with Rain Dance + Toxicroak for CroCune, not sure how good it is past around 1300 on the ladder though.
@Flaf: no problem :) Definitely test it out before changing stuff permanently, as proved above I'm stuck in Gen 5 with my sets :3