Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hi, I'm just a novice that made a new team in to play with my friends.
From lots and lots of experiments from PWT and Battle Subway, I found this team the most useful.
Please bare with me, because it might look like some sort of trash:


Nature: Adamant
Ability: Moxie (Thinking about replacing with Intimidate)
EV: 252 Health, 128 Defense, 128 Special Defense
Item: Sitrus Berry

Crunch (STAB, chance to lower Defense)
Dragon Dance (bulky enough to set up, destroy everything in its path)
Ice Punch (Deals with Flying types as well as Dragons)
Drain Punch (Regain all health that was lost during Dragon Dances)


Nature: Impish
Ability: Poison Heal
EV: 252 Health, 252 Defense, 4 Special Defense
Item: Toxic Orb

Earthquake (...)
Protect (Stall #1)
Roost (Stall #2)
Toxic (Stall #3)


Nature: Modest (I really wanted to get Calm but I just gave up after endless attempts)
Ability: Water Absorb
EV: 252 Health, 252 Special Defense, 4 Defence
Item: Leftovers

Recover (CANCER)
Will - O - Wisp (Allows Jellicent to deal with physical attackers)
Hex (works insanely well with Will - O - Wisp)
Surf / Scald / Hydro Pump (Please recommend me which to choose.)

Why sitrus berry on Scrafty and not leftovers?
Leftovers sounded better for me earlier, but Sitrus Berry grants more safety.
Such as allowing Scrafty to survive 3 hits instead of potential 2 hits of KO.

1 Answer

1 vote

I like your 3v3 team but here are some changes I would do.


Scrafty is a tanky pokemon despite its health and it will withstand an attack after you use Dragon Dance. But, you should make it hold a Big Root. When holding it, you will regain 65% of damage you made, not 50%, making it more likely it will regain full health.


Instead of giving Gliscor 4 EV points on Sp. Defense, give it 252 points and give the Defense stat 4 points since Gliscors defense stat is its best and highest stat. Also, Gliscor can learn a move called Swords Dance which will raise your Attack by 2 stages so I would switch that with Protect. Also, make Gliscor replace Toxic with Sky Uppercut or Fly. If you do Sky Uppercut, you can deal with Ice type which Gliscor has a x4 weakness against but you will have trouble dealing with bug types. With Fly, you will be able to attack grass and bug type which ground types don't deal much to. It is really your choice.


Make it hold a Zoom Lens because Will-O0Wisp has 75% accuracy and since Jellicent is slow, Zoom lens will make Will-O-Wisp 90% accuracy since Jellicent is most likely gonna go last. Also, I suggest you make it learn Hydro Pump if it holds Zoom Lens which will make Hydro Pump 80% accuracy to 96%, if not, Surf because it does more damage than scald and your target will probably be already burned due to Will-O-Wisp.

Thanks for comments!
About Scrafty, I like your idea about Big Root, but I gave it a Sitrus Berry so Scrafty will be more likely to survive after dragon dancing once. I would like to know ur opinion on that.
And the reason why I put 252 ev on Gliscor's defence is that Jellicent is already a good Special - Defender. Also, with my experience, Gliscor can survive an Ice Punch from Tyranitar if it has 252 ev on both Health and Defence.
And Jellicent, thanks because I was always having a cancer from Will - O - Wisp's low accuracy.