Pokémon Rate My Team
1 vote

Only cards up to Neo 3 are allowed, because otherwise I have too few cards from future sets to do much. For the sake of ease, we'll just say I have four of every card (it isn't too far off from the truth). I have more than sixty of every type of basic energy. Also, for promos, you probably won't need to worry yourselves about them, as plenty of them aren't all too great. So I'll just say the ones that matter. I have two Promo Mewtwo and three Promo Mew.

Pokemon: 17

x4 Moltres (Fossil)-The main Pokemon of this deck. Its Wildfire attack can be used to deck the opponent. It is also a 70 HP basic with no weakness and Fighting resistance (take that Haymaker!) Dive Bomb is also decent, being able to do 80 damage.
x1 Team Rocket's Moltres (Gym)-A nice 60 HP Basic with no weakness and Fighting resistance. It can constantly be used thanks to its ability, so I never have to worry about having all my Pokemon knocked out.
x3 Magmar (Fossil)-A 70 HP basic. Smokescreen is a great attack that allows for stalling.
x3 Cyndaquil (Lv 21) (Neo 1)-A stepping stone. Although it has a decent one for 20 Attack.
x2 Quilava (Lv 35) (Neo 1)-It might not be the final step but it still is good. Smokescreen allows for stalling and Char just decimates Pokemon.
X1 Typhlosion (Lv 55) (Neo 1)-A constant source of energy, supplying my energy intensive Fire types with fuel.
x2 Blaine's Vulpix (Lv 9) (Gym)-Evolves. Can heal off damage.
x1 Blaine's Ninetales (Gym)-A nice two for 50 and an ability that heals it. It can get me some KOs if I'm up against a deck that decking won't be a good strategy against.

Trainers: 24

x4 Erika (Gym)-I draw three cards which is nice, but my opponent also draws cards, which works great as it means they are closer to being decked.
x1 Healing Field (Neo 3)-Stall tactics.
x4 Imposter Professor Oak (Base)-Can make my opponent draw as many as seven new cards. Needed to deck my foe.
x4 Super Energy Removal (Base)-Stops my foe from attacking. Energy can just be brought back by Typhlosion. A great card.
x3 Energy Removal (Base)-Removes energy to stop my foe from attacking.
x3 Item Finder (Base)-Brings back some needed trainers. Healing Fields if another stadium card is played, IPO for decking, or Scoop Up or GoW if need be. I can just use energy and then use Typhlosion to get them back.
x3 Scoop Up (Base)-Used to heal my basics, since any energies lost can just be recovered by Typhlosion.
x2 Gust of Wind (Base)-Can bring in a weak Pokemon to be taken down or a high retreat cost Pokemon that can't do anything when I have a bunch of SERs and ERs in my hand, allowing for stall.

Energy: 19

x19 Fire Energy-Needed.

This is basically a Wildfire deck. Most of the cards are for stalling. Typhlosion and Moltres are the core of the deck. Moltres causes decking, Typhlosion keeps on giving me back those energies discarded.

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I like it, but I'm not one to give suggestions or I'D be the one with the deck you could buy in tons of stores worldwide.

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