Pokémon Rate My Team
4 votes

ビクティニ (Victini) @ Choice Scarf

Trait: Victory Star
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

  • V-create
  • Bolt Strike
  • Brick Break
  • U-turn

Item: Choice Scarf is here for extra Speed. Also, after a V-Create, it cancels the Speed drop.
Ability: Only one it can have. Helps with V-Create's accuracy.
EVs: EVs give maximum attacking power and speed with 4 EVs in Special Defense to stop Downloaders like Porygon2 and Porygon-Z from gaining a Special Attack boost. However, if I use Lax, I shall use 4 HP.
Nature: Jolly gives me the Speed to revenge kill.
Moves: V-Create is essentially 270 base power STAB and will deal a load of damage to whoever doesn't resist it. Bolt Strike hits bulky waters that come in to resist my V-Create. Brick Break is coverage and allows me to hit Houndoom a bit harder after switching in to attempt to get a Flash Fire boost off my V-Create. U-turn scouts, puts pressure on the opposing Pokemon, and forms a VoltTurn combo with Rotom-C.
Role: Physical sweeper, Revenge killer, Scout

Empoleon (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Torrent
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)

  • Scald
  • Ice Beam
  • Stealth Rock
  • Roar

Item: Leftovers gives Empoleon some recovery, due to the lack of reliable recovery.
Ability: Torrent powers up Scald when I have low HP. Defiant is next to useless on this Empoleon, so Torrent is the prominent choice.
EVs: EVs give maximum HP and Special Defense, turning Empoleon into a really decent Special wall with many resistances and 1 immunity due to the secondary Steel type.
Nature: Calm lets me have more Special Defense. 'Nuff said.
Moves: Scald is STAB and does decent damage off of Empoleons okay Special Attack stat. Ice Beam nails Pokemon like Gligar and Flygon who come in to Earthquake Empoleon. Stealth Rock sets up my form of hazards on the opponent's side and helps secure my KO's. Roar phazes SubBoosters and helps get more damage out from my floating rocks.
Role: Hazard setter, Special wall, Phazer

Hitmontop (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)

  • Rapid Spin
  • Hi Jump Kick
  • Stone Edge
  • Toxic

Item: Leftovers gives Hitmontop some recovery, due to the lack of reliable recovery.
Ability: Intimidate contributes to Hitmontop's physical Defense, bostering it.
EVs: EVs give max HP and Defense for maximum Physical walling. Combined with Intimidate, it makes an excellent physical wall.
Nature: Impish adds to its Defense to help with Physical walling.
Moves: Rapid Spin clears my side of annoying hazards, greatly benefiting Victini, Yanmega, and Kingdra. Hi Jump Kick is STAB and hits hard of the 120 base power. I prefer it over Close Combat because it doesn't lower any stats. Stone Edge hits Flying types that come in to take Hi Jump Kick. Toxic helps me outstall other walls.
Role: Physical wall, Rapid Spinner

Rotom-C @ Choice Scarf

Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

  • Leaf Storm
  • Volt Switch
  • Hidden Power [Ice]
  • Trick

Item: Choice Scarf is here to help me effectively revenge kill and outspeed.
Ability: Levitate is the only ability this guy got, and helps Victini and Empoleon out.
EVs: EVs give maximum Special Attacking power and Speed, with 4 EVs in Special Defense to stop Downloaders like Porygon2 and Porygon-Z from gaining a Special Attack boost.
Nature: Timid gives me more Speed to revenge kill easier.
Moves: Leaf Storm is STAB that hits Ground types that I switch on. It also kills of Claydol, which is nice. Volt Switch is STAB that puts pressure on the opposing Pokemon, and forms a VoltTurn combo with Victini. Hidden Power Ice hits Flying types, Gligar and Flygon. Trick helps cripple walls, giving them unnecessary Speed.
Role: Special Sweeper, Revenge killer, Scout

Yanmega (F) @ Life Orb

Trait: Speed Boost
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

  • Protect
  • Air Slash
  • Bug Buzz
  • Hidden Power [Ground]

Item: Life Orb allows my hits to become much harder.
Ability: Speed Boost increases my Speed to amazing levels, outspeeding many Scarfers in the UU metagame.
EVs: EVs give maximum Special Attacking power and Speed and 4 EVs in Defense so Yanmega can switch 3 times into Stealth Rock.
Nature: Modest is preferred, since I have Speed Boost to take care of Speed anyway.
Moves: Protect allows me to abuse my Speed Boost. Air Slash and Bug Buzz are both STAB. Air Slash its Hitmontop and Bug Buzz hits them Psychics and Darks. Hidden Power Ground allows me to hits the Steels that resist my two STAB moves, bar Bronzong.
Role: Special sweeper

Kingdra (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Sniper
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

  • Substitute
  • Dragon Dance
  • Outrage
  • Waterfall

Item: Leftovers give recovery and heals off Substitute damage.
Ability: Sniper is preferred over Swift Swim due to the lack of Rain in UU.
EVs: EVs give maximum Attacking power and Speed, with 4 EVs in Special Defense to stop Downloaders like Porygon2 and Porygon-Z from gaining a Special Attack boost.
Nature: Adamant is preferred for the extra power.
Moves: Substitute allows me to avoid status and allows me to start SubBoosting. Dragon Dance boosts my Attack and Speed to higher levels. Outrage is 120 base power STAB that hits everything bar Steel types unresisted. Waterfall is STAB that hits Steels that resist Outrage.
Role: Physical sweeper

edited by
I think you shouldn't use Sub on kingdra because it blocks people's will-o-wisp, & that's bad. :c
Isn't that good for Kingdra? :P
LOL yes. I pulled that one on Riles :P
Also, don't have Trick on Rotom-C because it's not fun when people forget they have it and use nasty plot and look like an idiot :(
Why not hidden power fire on yawnmega so you can hit bronzong?
Ground is better. Has more coverage. It hits Fire and Rock types as well.
Super Effective HP Fire w/o Heatproof - 140 BP
Super Effective HP Fire w/ Heatproof - 70 BP
STAB Bug Buzz w/ or w/o Heatproof - 135 BP
252SpAtk Life Orb Yanmega (+SAtk) Hidden Power (Fire) vs 252HP/0SpDef Leftovers Levitate Bronzong (Neutral): 52% - 62% (176 - 210 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252SpAtk Life Orb Yanmega (+SAtk) Hidden Power (Fire) vs 252HP/0SpDef Leftovers Heatproof Bronzong (Neutral): 26% - 31% (88 - 106 HP). Guaranteed 4HKO.

252SpAtk Life Orb Yanmega (+SAtk) Bug Buzz vs 252HP/0SpDef Leftovers Levitate Bronzong (Neutral): 50% - 59% (171 - 202 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.

I didn't calc SDef because Def Bronzong is by far the more popular one. Now for what he can do back to you.

0Atk Bronzong (Neutral) Gyro Ball vs 0HP/0Def Yanmega (Neutral): 35% - 42% (112 - 133 HP). Guaranteed 3HKO.
0Atk Bronzong (Neutral) Gyro Ball vs 0HP/0Def Yanmega (+1 Speed) (Neutral): 53% - 62% (166 - 196 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.

0SpAtk Bronzong (Neutral) Psychic vs 0HP/0SpDef Yanmega (Neutral): 40% - 48% (127 - 151 HP). Guaranteed 3HKO.
Also, I thought you needed a number divisible by 4 in HP EVs to switch into SR 3 times not Def EVs.
You gave us an importable copy? Showoff.
^ Actually he put the importable upon request by me. :)
Umm, err, whoops. ^#_#^
..... And even if he did it by himself, it's not Show-offing --'. Also, i love the team and the format in which you wrote the description, Mew.
My! 'Twas just joking around kids!
So you still want Bolt Strike + Lax? .-.
Hell yes.

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