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Such as Draco Meteor is the strongest for Dragon type.
And also the Pokemon which will use that move most effectively!!!

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Including or un-including signature moves?

1 Answer

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As of 2020 (Generation 8):

Bug: Fury Cutter at max power (160), otherwise Megahorn (120). Fury Cutter should not be used - Heracross, Rhyperior, Samurott, and Scolipede make great use of Megahorn.

Dark: Foul Play (95) - Umbreon

Dragon: Eternabeam (160) - Eternatus. Strongest non-signature is Draco Meteor (130) and is popular on numerous Dragon-types.

Electric: Zekrom's Bolt Strike (130).* The strongest non-signature Electric type attack is Zap Cannon (120), but has dangerously low 50% accuracy. Electro Ball can be as powerful as base 150 if you're fast enough, but usually Thunderbolt, Discharge, or even Thunder are better options.

Fairy: Magearna's Fleur Cannon (130). The strongest non-signature Fairy move is Misty Explosion (100), but it is rarely seen.

Fighting: Reversal at very low HP (200), otherwise Focus Punch (150) - Dugtrio and Substitute Breloom builds, respectively

Fire: V-create (180) - Victini.* The strongest non-signature Fire moves are Blast Burn and Eruption at 100% (150), the former of which can only be learned by starter Pokemon and are not recommended for use.

Flying: Sky Attack (140) - Power Herb Hawlucha builds.

Ghost: A tie between Giratina's Shadow Force* and Ghost Rider Calyrex's Astral Barrage (120). The strongest non-signature Ghost type attack is Poltergeist (110), which is especially useful in competitive environments but weak in-game.

Grass: Frenzy Plant (150) - Grass starters, but it shouldn't be used. Leaf Storm (130) is the highest non-signature, and most popular on Serperior.

Ground: Magnitude 10 (150), otherwise it is a Bone Rush hitting 5 times (125), followed by Groudon's signature move Precipice Blades (120), and next is Earthquake (100) - Magnitude and Bone Rush shouldn't be used, but lots of Pokemon abuse EQ.

Ice: Ice Ball on its fifth hit, otherwise Freeze Shock/Ice Burn (140) - Ice Ball shouldn't be used, but Kyurem for the latter two. Besides the signature moves, Blizzard takes the spot of the strongest Ice type move (110, formerly 120).

Normal: Explosion (250) - Not really the best move ever, but is sometimes used on suicide leads.

Poison: A tie between Belch and Gunk Shot (120) - Use the latter with caution, but Pokemon like Muk and Arbok can abuse it for extra power. Greninja learns this move and is a potent answer to Fairies with Protean. Do not use Belch.

Psychic: Prismatic Laser (160) - Necrozma, though recharge makes it not worth investing in. The strongest non-signature Psychic attack is Psychic (90).

Rock: Head Smash/Rock Wrecker (150) - Rampardos, Aggron, Tyrantrum, Relicanth, and perhaps even Steelix for Head Smash; Rock Wrecker generally should not be used.

Steel: A tie between Jirachi's signature move Doom Desire (140) and Steel Beam, which can be situationally useful but used with extreme caution due to heavy recoil.

Water: Hydro Cannon/Water Spout at 100% HP (150) - Hydro Cannon shouldn't be used and Kyogre for Water Spout

Exlcuding OHKO Atacks, listed in no real order. Also note that I did not post like, every Pokemon that can learn them, just some notable users.

  • Although Bolt Strike, V-Create, and Shadow Force are signature moves, they were given to Victini, Rayquaza, and Arceus, respectively, in special distribution events.
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Rayquaza can know V-Create!?!?
yes but only through event
Thanks for that, but i would wish for moves that more pokemons can learn ( that is excluding signature moves).
Thanks for the list its pretty much what i needed
In Gen 8, Prismatic Laser is the strongest Psychic move (160), and Eternabeam is now the strongest Dragon move (160). Also Fairy type exists now, and the strongest move is Fleur Cannon (130).

 Belch ties with Gunk Shot at 120, Steel Beam ties with Doom Desire and Astral Barrage ties with Shadow Force.
I don't know if you can count Foul Play, as its power varies depending on the targets attack.
I think electro ball shld be added as it's power can become the highest
Strongest non-signature grass move - Leaf Storm
That's damage output, Chocolatte. Its base power remains 95 no matter what. It just uses the target's Attack stat.

As for the others, they are fair additions and I'll add them in.