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5 Answers

4 votes

While Mega Mewtwo Y may have the highest Special attack, there is one thing that outpowers it.

252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyogre Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0- SpD Numel in Rain: 158328-186268 (1319400 - 1552233.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO

In HP numbers that gives you a max of 186268.

With boosts and Helping Hand:

+6 252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyogre Helping Hand Water Spout (150 BP) vs. -6 0 HP / 0- SpD Numel in Rain: 3799704-4470244 (31664200 - 37252033.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO

In HP numbers that gives you a max of 4470244.

Thanks to Flaf and Jojo for helping and to the Showdown Calc for the calculations.

I thought this answer had three upvotes? Or at least more than mine anyway, I wonder how I got to the top :o
It did but it got downvoted :p
That was probably because of my answer :/ sorry, I guess since J proved you wrong people decided to downvote you
1 vote

Well, I'll try come up with the best damage simply with move, ability and item. :D

Firstly, I'll find the Pokemon with the highest Attack/Sp. Attack stat - which is Mega Mewtwo Y, with a whopping 194 Sp. Attack! :o

Now, Mewtwo Y's strongest STAB move is Future Sigh with 120. Two incredible values!

The damage calculation formula is the following:

>Damage = ((((2 Level / 5 + 2) AttackStat AttackPower / DefenseStat) / 50) + 2) STAB Weakness/Resistance RandomNumber / 100

Now, inputting the values, let's say we are calculating a Lv100 Mega Mewtwo Y, with a perfect Sp. Attack stat (447!) using Future Sight on a Lv1 Weedle with a completely useless Sp. Defense stat (4, the poor thing D:) and will also receive a super-effective (x2) bonus. (There's not really any weak Pokemon that have a 4x weakness to Psychic, so don't blow your heads of pwease. :3)

Damage = ((((2 100 / 5 + 2) 447 120 / 4) / 50) + 2) 1.5 2 100 / 100
Damage = (((42 447 120 / 4) / 50) + 2) 1.5 2 100 / 100
Damage = ((563,220 / 50) + 2)
1.5 2 100 / 100
Damage = (11,264.4 + 2) 1.5 2 100 / 100
Damage = 11,266.4
1.5 2 100 / 100
Damage = 33,799.2
Damage = ~33,799

That's enough in itself to faint (or should I say murder) that poor little Weedle. Unfortunately though, this can't be increased any further though because Mega Mewtwo Y doesn't have any stat-boosting abilities, and is already holding a Mega Stone, unfortunately. But I don't think that matters since that's well in truly enough damage.

However, there's still this wonderful method that Shuckle can achieve inflicting, wait for it - 481,266,036 damage! This method is a heck of a lot more specific, but evidently, it works. Though I think a mere Tackle can overcome a mere Caterpie, it's always nice to have some fun though. :P

NOTE: As you can see, bigger amounts of damage can be achieved. My answer sucks. Boohoo ;-;

Hope I helped. :)
Sources: Bulbapedia. Lots and lots of Bulbapedia. And the above link. And Experience. And Frenzy Torterra. Yeah. I have a lot of sources. :P

edited by
make it a croagunk if you want to make it really bad for the defending pokemon
Beware, I know a guy with a mewtwo exterminating caterpie club!
And I also don't really like croagunk (toxicroak is cool though)
If you have 50698.50 you round up not down so the answer is 50699 but you were close what I mean is though is not how much damage but the moves power so please reancer
Holy crap, that's just... Oh my God
Re-answer. I always have to correct people, I can't stop myself.
There's nothing wrong with the answer and something very similiar is already asked
INDIGO!!! (please read) Mega Mewtwo Y can't hold a choice specs, it's already holding a Mega Stone, which means the maximum damage is about 33799.
Indigo knows that, she's just further calculating the power of the move.
In Pokemon apparently things always round down. I read this somewhere on the DB that Mewderator stated, I can't be bothered finding it. :P
And actually know, Mega Mewtwo Y already holding the Mega Stone just slipped my mind, so yeah. Sorry. >.<
But everyone has out-answered me, so I don't care. :D
1 vote

Well actually evryone is technically wrong. Flash fire heatran is more powerful than even kyogre.

252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyogre Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Smeargle in Rain: 943-1111 (375.6 -442.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252+ SpA Choice Specs Flash Fire Heatran Eruption (150 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Smeargle in Sun: 1273-1498 (507.1 - 596.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Nuff said

252+ SpA Choice Specs Heatran Eruption (150 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0- SpD Snover in Sun: 113940-134052 (949500 - 1117100%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyogre Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0- SpD Numel in Rain: 158328-186268 (1319400 - 1552233.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Running a similar calc you can see that Kyogre does more damage.
First, I added flash fire amd you didn't, second those are two different pokemon so it does kinda make it annacurate :3
The thing is, Snover has a higher base SDef stat.
And he not adding doesn't change much because Flash Fire=Power of Helping Hand=power of a critical hit so  even if Kyogre and Heatran would be boosted to the same limit, Kyogre would always outdamage Heatran.
The thing is kyogre can't be boosted to the limit because it doesn't have flash fire(or flash water whatever) while heatran CAN be boosted one extra stage thanks to flash fire allowing it to gain more power than kyogre
My bad, I thought I had included the Flash Fire boost
252+ Atk Choice Band Lickilicky Explosion vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Smeargle: 1117-1315 (445 - 523.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO

more than kyogre :D
But not more than heatran :3
0 votes

I found a bigger number!

I decided to start searching with the Pokemon with power-enhancing abilities, and I found it with Level 100 maximum SP. attack Xerneas (397) using the move Moonblast against a level 1 Deino with the worst SP defense possible (5).

This may be copying Indigo, but here's the damage calculation anyway:

Damage = ((((2 Level / 5 + 2) AttackStat AttackPower / DefenseStat) / 50) + 2) STAB Weakness Random Number / 100

Damage = (42 397 95 / 5) / 50) + 2) 1.5 4 1 / 1
Damage = (316 806 / 50) +2)
Damage = 6 338.12 * 6
Damage = 38 028.72

But, this is a Xerneas we're talking about, and it is holding some o' dem Choice Specs, meaning it get a 1.5x boost in power from it's ability, AND a 1.5x boost from the Choice Specs!!! So:

Damage = 38 028.72 1.5 1.5
Damage = 85 564.62

THAT, my friends, is some serious damage, and it is enough to completely obliterate a Level 1 Deino 7130 times over!!!

Well it's 4x effective. This is asking for raw power which this damage calc really doesn't prove
Be aware that the lowest achievable Sp. Def is 4, like what I proved. xD
Lol yeah but kyogre has more raw power than xerneas
0 votes

While Kyogre may deal a huge trunk of damage, theoretically something can deal more damage than it.

+6 252+ SpA Choice Specs Flash Fire Heatran Helping Hand Eruption (150 BP) vs. -6 0 HP / 0- SpD Durant in Sun: 5126992-6031764 (42724933.3 - 50264700%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Though Heatran special atk is lower than Kyogre, it has Flash Fire to boost the power by 1.5 times, resulting a maximum HP dealt of 6 031 764, which is far higher than 4 470 244 from Kyogre.

Therefore, the answer is 6031764. Thanks to the Showdown Calc for the calculations.
