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When I ask this, I realize that the words I used might be , eh, confusing. But, by stat items, I mean things like Calcium, and Zinc. I want to speed up the training process, and I've got cash to burn, but, I can't seem to find them in any shop, but, I know for a fact it's somewhere. Could you good folks enlighten me?


2 Answers

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Best answer

Those sort of items are called vitamins. The following X and Y locations:

>Battle Maison and Laverre City Poké Mart, Route 8, Route 15, Route 19, Lost Hotel (Trash Cans), PokéMileage Club (Graffiti Eraser, Lv. 3)

>Battle Maison and Laverre City Poké Mart, Lumiose City (Centrico Boulevard), Cyllage City, Route 15, Route 20, Lost Hotel (Trash Cans), PokéMileage Club (Graffiti Eraser, Lv. 1)

>Battle Maison and Laverre City Poké Mart, Reflection Cave, Lost Hotel (Trash Cans), Terminus Cave, PokéMileage Club (Graffiti Eraser, Lv. 2)

>Battle Maison and Laverre City Poké Mart, Route 17, Lost Hotel (Trash Cans), PokéMileage Club (Graffiti Eraser, Lv. 1)

>Battle Maison and Laverre City Poké Mart, Lost Hotel (Trash Cans), Frost Cavern, Victory Road, PokéMileage Club (Graffiti Eraser, Lv. 2)

>Battle Maison and Laverre City Poké Mart, Lost Hotel (Trash Cans), Victory Road, PokéMileage Club (Graffiti Eraser, Lv. 3)

The following three aren't really stat-raising, but they raise PP and level.

>Loto-ID Center (2 digits), Lumiose City South Boulevard Pokémon Center, Route 19, Super Training, PokéMileage Club (PokéMileage Shop; Graffiti Eraser, all levels), Pickup, Kiloude City, Route 7, Route 13, Route 15, Route 18, Route 21, Frost Cavern, Victory Road

PP Max:
>Loto-ID Center (3 Digits), Super Training, PokéMileage Club (Graffiti Eraser, all levels)

Rare Candy:
>Pickup, Lumiose City South Boulevard Pokémon Center, Battle Maison, PokéMileage Club (PokéMileage Shop; Graffiti Eraser, all levels), Ambrette Town, Couriway Town, Route 13, Route 14, Route 16, Route 17, Route 18 (from Psychic Inver), Route 21, Parfum Palace, Lysandre Labs, Victory Road

Note, the actual stat-raising items can all be found in Laverre and the Battle Maison Pokemart.

Hope I helped. :)

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1 vote

In Pokémon XY the stat training items are: Calcium, Zinc, Protein, Iron, Carbos, HP Up, Power Anklet, Band, Brace, Belt, Lens, and Weight.


Calcium- Route 17, Purchase at Battle Maison and/or Laverre City

Zinc- Frost Cavern, Victory Road, Purchase at Battle Maison and/or Laverre City

Protein- Route 15, Route 20, Lumiose City, Cyllage City, Purchase at Battle Maison and/or Laverre City

Iron- Reflection Cave, Lost Hotel, Terminus Cave, Purchase at Battle Maison and/or Laverre City

Carbos- Victory Road, Purchase at Battle Maison and/or Laverre City

HP Up- Route 8, Route 15, Route 19, Purchase at Battle Maison and/or Laverre City

The Power Items can all be purchased with Battle Points at the Battle Maison.

Hopefully I Helped!
