PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Game Freak logic.

2 Answers

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Just about every Pokemon game will have trainers with Pokemon at a level where they can evolve, but they haven't evolved yet. It's usually done to maintain a stable level curve without overwhelming the player with a bunch of relatively strong Pokemon. Generally speaking, your rival is usually tougher than the average trainer, but I imagine it'd have to do with his Starly knowing Double Team and Endeavor.

In Platinum, his Starly is a Staravia in a few earlier battles (Hearthome and Pastoria) and yeah this thing is vicious. Thankfully, Platinum sped up the game overall, which I imagine would've been a pain in Diamond and Pearl if it spams Double Team enough and Endeavor + Quick Attacks your entire team.

So yeah, that's probably why it was a Starly. In Canalave City, his Starly evolves, and no longer has Endeavor (but it still has Double Team).

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Maybe because having a level 22 Staravia would be slightly overpowered at that point in the game, probably.
