PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Let’s say I had a male, non-Hidden Ability Tirtouga with the Sturdy ability and a female Relicanth that’s non-Hidden Ability. (Relicanth's Hidden Ability is Sturdy, while Tirtouga has Sturdy as a non-Hidden Ability.)

Suppose I breed Tirtouga and Relicanth. Is there a chance I can get a Sturdy Relicanth from this matchup?

If you are wondering my logic, male Pokémon have a chance to pass hidden Ability and sturdy is the hidden Ability of the Relicanth, but not of the male Tirtouga.

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And if this is possible, can Relicanth Male breed Swift Swim with Female Tirtuga that has sturdy and get Swift swim Tirtuga (I mean, Swift swim is its hidden Ability after all).
Actually Swift swim is a good example of it considering most everything with it is in water group 1 or 2 and everything that can potentially inherit is as hidden ability is also in water group 1/2.
Or Male watchog passing Keen Eye (standard ability) down to Glamow (non hidden Ability Female Glamow.

2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

No. You cannot breed a Pokemon to have its hidden ability unless you already have a parent in its evolution family with the hidden ability.

A female Pokémon (or male when bred with Ditto) has a 60% chance of passing down its ability to the offspring; otherwise the offspring's ability is randomly chosen from its regular abilities.

In your example your breeding a female Relicanth and a male Tirtuga. Only the female Relicanth has a chance to pass down an ability. So only the female Relicanth can pass down the hidden ability, which it doesn’t have.

If you’re breeding with a Ditto, that Ditto acts as a replacement for the missing parent, and the other Pokémon acts like the female, being able to pass down the (hidden) ability. However, you’ll only get Tirtouga eggs from this.

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So is it possible to pass down hidden abilities from one species to another?
Yes. If the female has the hidden ability then just keep breeding the female and male together till you get the Pokémon you want with said ability.
If the male has it, breed the male with a ditto and either
1) breed till you get a female with a (hidden) ability that you want
Or 2) chain breed
But the male has the hidden Ability of the Female pokemon’s species. So breeding it with a Ditto is useless. I guess this doesn’t work then.
No it doesn't work like that, sorry. You can only pass down hidden abilities if the Pokemon already has its hidden ability. You can't just put two Pokemon together and hope to have an egg with a hidden ability even if they share the same ability. The only ways to get a Pokemon with their hidden ability is through friend safari or horde encounters.
Sorry falseben, I misread your question. Moon is right. The answer is no
0 votes

Here’s another explanation to add to an old post, because I can and I find this example easier to understand.

When you receive a Pokémon, it has one of 3 ability slots, according to PKHEX.

Type 1 is for Wild encounters/Static encounters
Type 2 is for eggs and gift Pokémon
Type 3 is called the (H) Slot. This is reserved for a hidden ability.

For a Pokémon to get it’s hidden ability by breeding, one of the Parents must have type (H) ability. Even if the male Pokémon’s type 1 ability is the same as the females type (H) ability, it won’t be able to pass on hidden ability, due to having a type 1, not type (H) ability.

What do abilities have to do with the Pokemon's encounter method?
In Pokémon legality and breeding everything.
If you hack Gyarados to have its HA ability as Mokd Breaker breeding it will cause Moxie Gyarados.
So a Pokemon with either type 1 or type 2 slot can have either of its regular abilities? So it's legitimately possible to have a type 1 liquid ooze Swalot, type 1 sticky hold Swalot, type 2 liquid ooze Swalot, and type 2 sticky hold Swalot?