PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
2 votes

Hi, sorry for the insane question lol

I want to complete the Pokedex in UM but I have no idea where to start, because I don't know the gen 7 Pokemon, how the evolve, or their encounter percentages.

I couldn't find an easy to read list/guide online, so if anyone could find/make one of all available Pokemon per route and encounter rate and method, that would be highly appreciated!

Ass8666, i actually already completed the pokedex. I didn't close this question because people already started making lists and answering it, and others may also want a big list in one place too. if you don't like my question, you don't have to answer it....
There's already such a list in this site.
Re flag: I'm going to allow this now, because I'm concerned people are working on it believing that it will stay up. However, if this question was asked today, I would remove it.
Honestly fizz, i would've removed it well over a month ago but i didn't because i thought people were working on it too. If you want to close it, feel free
NO! Don't close it! I made a list, and it took FOREVER! And now I have to wait! SO pls! Don't close it!

3 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

I'm only including Pokémon in Ultra Moon. I'm not including Island Scan Pokémon or Pokémon from Ultra Wormholes, but I am listing Pokémon that are called by a different species in SOS battles (such as Pichu calling Pikachu or Corsola calling Mareanie). Some locations on Route 5 have three question marks, which is because the exact location wasn't specified on my source.

My source for everything: Bulbapedia

ER = Encounter Rate

Route 1
First two fields of grass east of the player's house: Caterpie (10% ER), Alolan Rattata (20% ER only during the night), Ledyba (20% ER only during the day), Spinarak (20% ER only during the night), Pichu (5% ER, can call Pikachu and Happiny), Buneary (10% ER), Pikipek (20% ER), Yungoos (20% ER only during the day), Grubbin (15% ER)
Field of grass overlooking the bay: Caterpie (10% ER), Alolan Rattata (20% ER only during the night), Ledyba (20% ER only during the day), Spinarak (20% ER only during the night), Pichu (5% ER, can call Pikachu and Happiny), Buneary (10% ER), Pikipek (20% ER), Yungoos (20% ER only during the day), Grubbin (15% ER)
Two fields of grass nearest Iki Town and field of grass on western path: Caterpie (35% ER), Alolan Rattata (35% ER only during the night), Buneary (30% ER), Yungoos (35% ER only during the day)
On the path south of Iki Town blocked by rocks: Alolan Rattata (20% ER only during the night), Bonsly (30% ER, can call Sudowoodo and Happiny), Munchlax (10% ER, can call Snorlax and Happiny), Pikipek (20% ER), Yungoos (20% ER only during the day), Rockruff (20% ER)

Hau'oli Outskirts
Grass: Slowpoke (20% ER), Wingull (50% ER), Inkay (30% ER)
Surfing: Tentacool (40% ER), Wingull (20% ER), Mantyke (20% ER, can call Remoraid), Finneon (20% ER)

Melemele Sea
Surfing: Tentacool (40% ER), Wingull (20% ER), Mantyke (20% ER, can call Remoraid), Finneon (20% ER)
Fishing: Magikarp (25% ER, can call Gyarados), Corsola (5% ER, can call Mareanie), Remoraid (15% ER, can call Octillery), Clamperl (5% ER during the day, can call Gorebyss, 5% ER during the night, can call Huntail), Luvdisc (25% ER), Wishiwashi (25% ER)
Fishing at a bubbling spot (Route 1 side): Magikarp (15% ER, can call Gyarados), Corsola (5% ER during the day, can call Mareanie, 20% ER during the night, can call Mareanie), Remoraid (15% ER, can call Octillery), Clamperl (35% ER during the day, can call Gorebyss, 20% ER during the night, can call Huntail), Luvdisc (15% ER), Wishiwashi (15% ER)
Fishing at a bubbling spot (Hau'oli City side): Magikarp (15% ER, can call Gyarados), Corsola (35% ER, can call Mareanie), Remoraid (15% ER, can call Octillery), Clamperl (5% ER during the day, can call Gorebyss, 5% ER during the night, can call Huntail), Luvdisc (15% ER), Wishiwashi (15% ER)

Ten Carat Hill: Cave and ocean cave
Walking: Zubat (20% ER), Psyduck (10% ER), Mawile (30% ER), Roggenrola (20% ER), Carbink (20% ER, can call Sableye)
Surfing: Zubat (95% ER), Psyduck (5% ER)

Ten Carat Hill: Farthest Hollow
Grass: Machop (30% ER), Spinda (30% ER), Roggenrola (10% ER), Carbink (10% ER), Rockruff (20% ER)

Hau'oli City: Beachfront
Surfing: Tentacool (40% ER), Wingull (20% ER), Finneon (20% ER), Mantyke (20% ER, can call Remoraid)

Hau'oli City: Shopping District
Two fields of grass nearest Marina: Alolan Meowth (10% ER), Abra (10% ER), Magnemite (10% ER), Alolan Grimer (5% ER), Wingull (40% ER), Mime Jr. (10% ER, can call Mr. Mime and Happiny), Furfrou (15% ER)
Two fields of grass nearest City Hall: Alolan Meowth (10% ER), Abra (20% ER), Magnemite (10% ER), Alolan Grimer (10% ER), Wingull (5% ER), Mime Jr. (20% ER, can call Mr. Mime and Happiny), Furfrou (20% ER)

Trainers' School
Grass: Alolan Meowth (50% ER), Magnemite (10% ER), Alolan Grimer (10% ER), Zorua (30% ER)

Route 2
Three southernmost fields of grass: Alolan Rattata (10% ER only during the night), Ekans (20% ER), Alolan Meowth (10% ER), Abra (10% ER), Drowzee (10% ER during the day and 20% ER during the night), Smeargle (10% ER), Makuhita (20% ER during the day and 10% ER during the night), Furfrou (10% ER), Yungoos (10% ER only during the day)
Two fields of grass southwest of the Pokémon Center: Alolan Rattata (10% ER only during the night), Spearow (10% ER), Ekans (20% ER), Growlithe (10% ER), Drowzee (10% ER during the day and 20% ER during the night), Smeargle (10% ER), Makuhita (20% ER during the day and 10% ER during the night), Yungoos (10% ER only during the day), Cutiefly (10% ER)
Northernmost field of grass: Alolan Rattata (20% ER only during the night), Spearow (30% ER), Growlithe (10% ER), Smeargle (10% ER), Yungoos (20% ER only during the day), Cutiefly (30% ER)
Ambush encounters: Ekans (50% ER), Drowzee (5% ER during the day and 30% ER during the night), Dunsparce (15% ER), Makuhita (30% ER during the day and 5% ER during the night)
Pile of Berries by Berry tree: Crabrawler (100% ER)

Hau'oli Cemetery
Grass: Zubat (20% ER), Gastly (40% ER), Murkrow (40% ER only during the night), Drifloon (40% ER only during the day)

Verdant Cavern
Walking: Zubat (35% ER), Alolan Diglett (35% ER), Noibat (30% ER)
Ambush encounters: Alolan Rattata (100% ER)

Sandy Cave
Walking: Zubat (70% ER), Psyduck (30% ER)
Surfing: Zubat (70% ER), Psyduck (30% ER)

Route 3
Two fields of grass north of bridge: Spearow (30% ER), Mankey (30% ER), Hawlucha (10% ER), Cutiefly (30% ER)
Field of grass south of bridge: Spearow (29% ER), Mankey (30% ER), Bagon (1% ER), Hawlucha (10% ER), Cutiefly (30% ER)
Ambush encounters: Spearow (70% ER), Vullaby (30% ER,)
Pile of Berries by Berry tree: Crabrawler (100% ER)

Melemele Meadow
Yellow flowers: Caterpie (10% ER, can call Butterfree), Metapod (9% ER, can call Caterpie and Butterfree), Butterfree (1% ER), Petilil (20% ER), Flabébé (20% ER), Pom-Pom Style Oricorio (20% ER), Cutiefly (20% ER)

Seaward Cave
Walking: Zubat (20% ER), Psyduck (30% ER), Delibird (20% ER), Smoochum (30% ER, can call Jynx and Happiny)
Surfing: Zubat (55% ER), Psyduck (5% ER, can call Zubat), Seel (30% ER), Delibird (10% ER)
Fishing: Magikarp (90% ER, can call Gyarados), Barboach (10% ER, can call Whiscash)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Magikarp (40% ER, can call Gyarados), Barboach (60% ER, can call Whiscash)

Kala'e Bay
Grass: Alolan Rattata (30% ER only during the night), Slowpoke (20% ER, can call Slowbro and Slowking), Wingull (40% ER), Bagon (10% ER, can call Shelgon), Yungoos (30% ER only during the night)
Surfing: Tentacool (40% ER), Wingull (20% ER), Finneon (20% ER), Mantyke (20% ER, can call Remoraid)
Fishing: Shellder (5% ER), Magikarp (35% ER, can call Gyarados), Remoraid (25% ER, can call Octillery), Wishiwashi (35% ER)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Shellder (35% ER), Magikarp (25% ER, can call Gyarados), Remoraid (15% ER, can call Octillery), Wishiwashi (25% ER)

Route 4
Grass: Alolan Rattata (10% ER only during the night), Eevee (5% ER during the day, can call Espeon, 5% ER during the night, can call Umbreon), Igglybuff (20% ER during the day, can call Jigglypuff and Happiny), Lillipup (20% ER during the day and 30% ER during the night), Pikipek (15% ER during the day and 25% ER during the night), Yungoos (10% ER only during the day), Grubbin (10% ER), Mudbray (20% ER)
Pile of Berries by Berry tree: Crabrawler (100% ER)

Route 5: Southern half
???: Caterpie (10% ER during the day and can call Butterfree, 10% ER during the night), Metapod (9% ER during the day, can call Caterpie and Butterfree, 9% ER during the night), Butterfree (1% ER), Lillipup (20% ER), Pikipek (20% ER), Grubbin (20% ER), Fomantis (20% ER)
???: Caterpie (10% ER, can call Butterfree), Metapod (9% ER, can call Caterpie and Butterfree), Butterfree (1% ER), Lillipup (20% ER), Pikipek (20% ER), Grubbin (20% ER), Fomantis (20% ER)
Pile of Berries by Berry tree: Crabrawler (100% ER)

Route 5: Northern half
Grass: Caterpie (10% ER, can call Butterfree), Metapod (9% ER, can call Caterpie and Butterfree), Butterfree (1% ER), Bonsly (10% ER, can call Sudowoodo and Happiny), Trumbeak (20% ER, can call Pikipek), Grubbin (20% ER), Fomantis (30% ER)
Ambush encounters: Alolan Diglett (100% ER)

Paniola Ranch
Grass: Tauros (5% ER, can call Miltank), Mareep (30% ER), Miltank (5% ER, can call Tauros), Lillipup (20% ER), Mudbray (40% ER)

Brooklet Hill: proper
Grass: Paras (20% ER only during the day), Psyduck (20% ER), Poliwag (20% ER), Wingull (20% ER), Surskit (20% ER only during the night), Dewpider (20% ER only during the day), Morelull (20% ER only during the night)
Surfing: Psyduck (20% ER), Poliwag (40% ER), Surskit (40% ER only during the night), Dewpider (40% ER only during the day)
Fishing: Goldeen (30% ER, can call Seaking), Magikarp (44% ER, can call Gyarados), Feebas (1% ER), Basculin (25% ER)
Fishing at a bubbling spot: Goldeen (25% ER, can call Seaking), Magikarp (40% ER, can call Gyarados), Feebas (10% ER), Basculin (25% ER)

Brooklet Hill: Totem's Den
Surfing: Tentacool (40% ER), Wingull (20% ER), Finneon (40% ER)
Fishing: Magikarp (55% ER, can call Gyarados), Alomomola (5% ER), Wishiwashi (40% ER)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Magikarp (40% ER, can call Gyarados), Alomomola (35% ER), Wishiwashi (25% ER)

Lush Jungle: Central and north area
Grass: Metapod (10% ER, can call Caterpie and Butterfree), Paras (10% ER only during the day), Pinsir (4% ER), Hoothoot (20% ER only during the night, can call Noctowl), Bonsly (10% ER, can call Sudowoodo and Happiny), Trumbeak (21% ER during the day, 1% ER during the night), Fomantis (20% ER), Morelull (10% ER only during the night), Steenee (10% ER), Comfey (10% ER), Oranguru (5% ER, can call Trumbeak)
Ambush encounters: Steenee (70% ER), Oranguru (30% ER, can call Trumbeak)
Special allies in weather: Goomy (10% ER during rain), Castform (1% ER during rain, 11% ER during hail or sandstorm)

Lush Jungle: Northwest area
Grass: Metapod (10% ER, can call Caterpie and Butterfree), Paras (10% ER only during the day), Pinsir (4% ER), Hoothoot (20% ER only during the night, can call Noctowl), Bonsly (10% ER, can call Sudowoodo and Happiny), Trumbeak (21% ER during the day, 1% ER during the night), Fomantis (20% ER), Morelull (10% ER only during the night), Steenee (10% ER), Comfey (10% ER), Oranguru (5% ER, can call Trumbeak)
Special allies in weather: Goomy (10% ER during rain), Castform (1% ER during rain, 11% ER during hail or sandstorm)

Route 6
Northern field of grass: Alolan Rattata (10% ER only during the night), Eevee (5% ER during the day, can call Espeon, 5% ER during the night, can call Umbreon), Igglybuff (20% ER during the day, can call Jigglypuff and Happiny), Lillipup (20% ER during the day and 30% ER during the night), Pikipek (15% ER during the day and 25% ER during the night), Yungoos (10% ER only during the day), Grubbin (10% ER), Mudbray (20% ER)
Two southern fields of grass: Alolan Rattata (10% ER only during the night), Eevee (5% ER during the day, can call Espeon, 5% ER during the night, can call Umbreon), Igglybuff (20% ER during the day, can call Jigglypuff and Happiny), Lillipup (20% ER during the day and 30% ER during the night), Pikipek (15% ER during the day and 25% ER during the night), Yungoos (10% ER only during the day), Grubbin (10% ER), Pa'u Style Oricoro (20% ER)

Hano Beach
Ambush encounters (sand clouds): Staryu (70% ER, can call Starmie), Sandygast (30% ER)
Surfing: Tentacool (30% ER), Wingull (10% ER), Finneon (30% ER), Pyukumuku (30% ER during the day, 20% ER during the night, 10% ER during the night, can call Wingull)
Ambush encounters (water splashes): Tentacool (100% ER)

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3 votes

Part 2

Route 7
Ambush encounters: Alolan Diglett (100% ER)
Surfing: Tentacool (30% ER), Wingull (20% ER), Finneon (30% ER), Pyukumuku (20% ER)
Fishing: Staryu (5% ER, can call Starmie), Magikarp (55% ER, can call Gyarados), Wishiwashi (40% ER)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Staryu (35% ER, can call Starmie), Magikarp (45% ER, can call Gyarados), Wishiwashi (20% ER)

Wela Volcano Park
Grass: Cubone (24% ER, can call Kangaskhan), Kangaskhan (1% ER), Magby (15% ER, can call Magmar and Happiny), Fletchling (30% ER, can call Fletchinder), Salandit (30% ER, can call Salazzle)

Dividing Peak Tunnel
Ambush encounters (shadow): Kecleon (100% ER)
Ambush encounters (chase): Wimpod (100% ER)

Route 8
Grass: Alolan Rattata (30% ER only during the night, can call Alolan Raticate), Fletchling (15% ER, can call Fletchinder), Trumbeak (30% ER), Yungoos (30% ER only during the night, can call Gumshoos), Salandit (15% ER during the day, 14% ER during the night, 1% ER during the night, can call Stufful), Stufful (10% ER)
Pile of Berries by Berry tree: Crabrawler (100% ER)
Surfing: Tentacool (40% ER), Wingull (20% ER), Finneon (20% ER), Mantyke (20% ER, can call Remoraid)
Fishing: Magikarp (50% ER, can call Gyarados), Chinchou (5% ER, can call Lanturn), Remoraid (15% ER, can call Octillery), Wishiwashi (30% ER)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Magikarp (40% ER, can call Gyarados), Chinchou (35% ER, can call Lanturn), Remoraid (5% ER, can call Octillery), Wishiwashi (20% ER)

Diglett's Tunnel
Walking: Zubat (60% ER, can call Golbat), Alolan Diglett (30% ER), Larvitar (10% ER)
Ambush encounters: Alolan Diglett (100% ER)

Route 9
Fishing: Magikarp (20% ER, can call Gyarados), Corsola (15% ER, can call Mareanie), Luvdisc (50% ER), Wishiwashi (15% ER)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Magikarp (10% ER, can call Gyarados), Corsola (5% ER, can call Mareanie), Luvdisc (80% ER), Wishiwashi (5% ER)

Memorial Hill
Grass: Zubat (20% ER, can call Golbat), Gastly (50% ER), Phantump (30% ER)

Akala Outskirts
Grass: Alolan Raticate (20% ER only during the night), Natu (20% ER only during the night, can call Xatu), Wingull (30% ER during the day, 50% ER during the night), Nosepass (15% ER), Gumshoos (20% ER only during the day), Stufful (15% ER)
Fishing: Magikarp (55% ER, can call Gyarados), Chinchou (5% ER, can call Lanturn), Wishiwashi (40% ER)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Magikarp (40% ER, can call Gyarados), Chinchou (35% ER, can call Lanturn), Wishiwashi (25% ER)

Malie Garden
Grass: Alolan Meowth (20% ER, can call Alolan Persian), Psyduck (10% ER), Poliwhirl (20% ER), Ledian (20% ER only during the day), Ariados (20% ER only during the night), Masquerain (20% ER only during the night), Petilil (10% ER) Araquanid (20% ER only during the day)
Special allies in weather: Poliwhirl (10% ER during rain), Poliwrath (1% ER only during the day in rain), Politoed (1% ER only during the night in rain), Castform (11% ER during hail or sandstorm)
Fishing: Goldeen (30% ER, can call Seaking), Magikarp (40% ER, can call Gyarados), Gyarados (5% ER), Basculin (25% ER)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Goldeen (20% ER, can call Seaking), Magikarp (30% ER, can call Gyarados), Gyarados (35% ER), Basculin (15% ER)

Route 10
Grass: Alolan Raticate (30% ER only during the day), Fearow (30% ER), Ledian (20% ER only during the day), Ariados (20% ER only during the night), Skarmory (10% ER), Pancham (10% ER, can call Pangoro), Gumshoos (30% ER only during the day)
Ambush encounters: Fearow (50% ER), Pineco (30% ER), Skarmory (20% ER)
Pile of Berries by Berry tree: Crabrawler (100% ER)

Mount Hokulani
First two fields at the foot of the mountain: Fearow (30% ER during the day, 10% ER during the night), Ditto (10% ER), Cleffa (20% ER only during the night, can call Clefairy and Happiny), Skarmory (10% ER), Elekid (10% ER, can call Electabuzz and Happiny), Beldum (10% ER), Elgyem (20% ER), Minior (10% ER)
Field nearest the observatory: Ditto (10% ER), Cleffa (20% ER only during the night, can call Clefairy and Happiny), Beldum (20% ER), Elgyem (30% ER during the day, 20% ER during the night), Minior (40% ER during the day, 30% ER during the night)

Route 11
Grass: Parasect (10% ER only during the day), Ledian (20% ER only during the day), Ariados (20% ER only during the night), Pancham (20% ER, can call Pangoro), Trumbeak (20% ER, can call Toucannon), Shiinotic (10% ER only during the night), Komala (30% ER)

Route 12
Grass: Alolan Graveler (30% ER), Manectric (20% ER), Torkoal (20% ER), Mudbray (30% ER, can call Mudsdale)

Blush Mountain
Grass: Alolan Graveler (20% ER), Elekid (10% ER, can call Electabuzz and Happiny), Torkoal (20% ER), Dedenne (10% ER, can call Togedemaru), Charjabug (10% ER during the day, can call Grubbin and Vikavolt, 10% ER during the night), Mudbray (20% ER, can call Mudsdale), Togedemaru (10% ER, can call Dedenne)

Ula'ula Beach
Pile of Berries by Berry tree: Crabrawler (100% ER)

Route 13
Fishing: Magikarp (55% ER, can call Gyarados), Wishiwashi (40% ER), Bruxish (5% ER)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Magikarp (40% ER, can call Gyarados), Wishiwashi (35% ER), Bruxish (20% ER)

Haina Desert
Deep sand: Alolan Dugtrio (30% ER, can call Baltoy), Krokorok (70% ER, can call Baltoy)
Ambush encounters: Alolan Dugtrio (20% ER, can call Baltoy), Trapinch (10% ER, can call Baltoy), Krokorok (70% ER, can call Baltoy)
Special allies in weather: Gabite (10% ER during sandstorm), Castform (1% ER during sandstorm, 11% ER during rain or hail)

Tapu Village
Grass: Alolan Raticate (30% ER only during the night), Alolan Vulpix (10% ER), Pelipper (30% ER), Absol (10% ER), Snorunt (20% ER), Gumshoos (30% ER only during the day)
Special allies in weather: Vanilite (10% ER during hail), Castform (1% ER during hail, 11% ER during rain or sandstorm)

Route 14
Surfing: Tentacruel (30% ER), Pelipper (20% ER), Finneon (30% ER), Frillish (20% ER)
Fishing: Magikarp (55% ER, can call Gyarados), Wishiwashi (40% ER), Bruxish (5% ER)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Magikarp (40% ER, can call Gyarados), Wishiwashi (35% ER), Bruxish (25% ER)

Thrifty Megamart (Abandoned Site)
Walking: Golbat (20% ER), Haunter (30% ER, can call Gengar), Shuppet (30% ER), Klefki (15% ER), Mimikyu (5% ER)

Route 15
Grass: Alolan Raticate (30% ER only during the night), Slowpoke (20% ER), Pelipper (50% ER), Gumshoos (30% ER only during the day)
Surfing: Tentacruel (40% ER), Pelipper (20% ER), Finneon (40% ER, can call Lumineon)
Fishing: Magikarp (50% ER, can call Gyarados), Clamperl (5% ER during the day, can call Gorebyss, 5% ER during the night, can call Huntail), Wishiwashi (40% ER), Bruxish (5% ER)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Magikarp (20% ER, can call Gyarados), Clamperl (35% ER during the day, can call Gorebyss, 35% ER during the night, can call Huntail), Wishiwashi (10% ER), Bruxish (35% ER)

Route 16
Grass: Alolan Raticate (20% ER only during the night), Slowpoke (20% ER), Pelipper (30% ER), Scraggy (30% ER), Gumshoos (20% ER only during the day)
Pile of Berries by Berry tree: Crabrawler (100% ER)

Ula'ula Meadow
Red flowers: Ledian (20% ER only during the day), Ariados (20% ER only durng the night), Petilil (20% ER), Floette (20% ER), Baile Style Oricorio (20% ER), Ribombee (20% ER)
Long grass: Ledian (20% ER only during the day), Ariados (20% ER only durng the night), Petilil (20% ER), Floette (20% ER), Baile Style Oricorio (20% ER), Ribombee (20% ER)

Route 17
Grass: Alolan Raticate (20% ER only during the night), Fearow (20% ER), Ledian (20% ER only during the day), Ariados (20% ER only during the night), Scraggy (40% ER during the day, 30% ER during the night, 10% ER during the night, can call Fearow), Gumshoos (20% ER only during the day)
Brown grass on the mountain: Alolan Raticate (20% ER only during the night), Fearow (20% ER), Alolan Graveler (20% ER), Skarmory (15% ER), Scraggy (20% ER), Bisharp (5% ER, can call Pawniard), Gumshoos (20% ER only during the day)
Special allies in weather: Goomy (10% ER during rain), Castform (1% ER during rain, 11% ER during hail or sandstorm)
Pile of Berries by Berry tree: Crabrawler (100% ER)

Seafolk Village
Fishing: Magikarp (55% ER, can call Gyarados), Wailmer (40% ER, can call Wailord), Dhelmise (5% ER)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Magikarp (40% ER, can call Gyarados), Wailmer (25% ER, can call Wailord), Dhelmise (35% ER)

Poni Wilds
Grass: Granbull (20% ER), Pelipper (30% ER), East Sea Gastrodon (10% ER), Furfrou (20% ER), Inkay (20% ER)
Pile of Berries by Berry tree: Crabrawler (100% ER)

Ancient Poni Path
Grass: Granbull (20% ER), Pelipper (30% ER), East Sea Gastrodon (10% ER), Furfrou (20% ER), Inkay (20% ER)

Poni Breaker Coast
Ambush encounters (chase): Wimpod (100% ER)
Surfing: Tentacruel (30% ER), Lapras (5% ER), Pelipper (20% ER), East Sea Gastrodon (20% ER), Lumineon (25% ER)
Fishing: Magikarp (49% ER, can call Gyarados), Carvanha (10% ER, can call Sharpedo), Wailmer (40% ER, can call Wailord), Relicanth (1% ER)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Magikarp (40% ER, can call Gyarados), Carvanha (20% ER, can call Sharpedo), Wailmer (30% ER, can call Wailord), Relicanth (10% ER)
Ambush encounters (water splashes): Wailmer (70% ER), Wailord (10% ER), Dragalge (20% ER)

Exeggutor Island
Grass: Exeggcute (20% ER), Alolan Exeggutor (20% ER), Pinsir (10% ER), Pelipper (20% ER), Tropius (20% ER), East Sea Gastrodon (10% ER)
Special allies in weather: Sliggoo (10% ER during rain), Castform (1% ER during rain, 11% ER during hail or sandstorm)

Vast Poni Canyon: Canyon
Grass: Machoke (20% ER), Skarmory (10% ER), Boldore (10% ER), Mienfoo (20% ER), Carbink (10% ER), Midday Form Lycanroc (20% ER only during the day), Midnight Form Lycanroc (20% ER only during the night), Jangmo-o (5% ER, can call Kommo-o and Hakamo-o)

Vast Poni Canyon: Caves
Walking: Golbat (30% ER), Alolan Dugtrio (20% ER), Boldore (30% ER), Carbink (20% ER, can call Sableye)
Ambush encounters: Alolan Dugtrio (100% ER)
Surfing: Golbat (80% ER), Golduck (20% ER)
Fishing: Magikarp (45% ER, can call Gyarados), Barboach (25% ER, can call Whiscash), Corphish (5% ER, can call Crawdaunt), Basculin (25% ER)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Magikarp (25% ER, can call Gyarados), Barboach (20% ER, can call Whiscash), Corphish (35% ER, can call Crawdaunt), Basculin (20% ER)

Mount Lanakila: Base
Grass: Alolan Raticate (20% ER only during the night), Alolan Sandshrew (30% ER), Absol (20% ER), Snorunt (30% ER), Gumshoos (20% ER only during the day)
Special allies in weather: Vanillish (10% ER during hail), Castform (1% ER during hail, 11% ER during rain or sandstorm)

Mount Lanakila: Upper Reaches: Lower
Grass: Alolan Sanshrew (30% ER), Sneasel (20% ER), Absol (20% ER), Glalie (30% ER)
Special allies in weather: Vanillish (10% ER during hail), Castform (1% ER during hail, 11% ER during rain or sandstorm)

Mount Lanakila: Upper Reaches: Middle
Grass: Alolan Sanshrew (30% ER), Sneasel (20% ER), Absol (20% ER), Glalie (30% ER)
Special allies in weather: Vanillish (10% ER during hail), Castform (1% ER during hail, 11% ER during rain or sandstorm)

Mount Lanakila: Icy Cave: Left
Walking: Golbat (30% ER), Sneasel (20% ER), Absol (10% ER), Glalie (30% ER), Drampa (10% ER)

Mount Lanakila: Icy Cave: Right
Walking: Golbat (30% ER), Sneasel (20% ER), Absol (10% ER), Glalie (30% ER), Drampa (10% ER)

Mount Lanakila: Upper Reaches: Upper
Grass: Alolan Sanshrew (30% ER), Sneasel (20% ER), Absol (20% ER), Glalie (30% ER)
Special allies in weather: Vanillish (10% ER during hail), Castform (1% ER during hail, 11% ER during rain or sandstorm)

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Part 3

Poni Grove: Pinsir (10% ER), Heracross (10% ER), Buneary (20% ER, can call Lopunny, 10% ER during the night), Riolu (10% ER only during the day, can call Happiny and Lucario), Zoroark (20% ER), Trumbeak (30% ER, can call Toucannon)

Poni Plains
Seven small fields of grass scattered in the middle: Alolan Raticate (30% ER only during the night), Tauros (10% ER, can call Miltank), Miltank (10% ER, can call Tauros), Petilil (20% ER), Trumbeak (30% ER, can call Toucannon), Gumshoos (30% ER only during the day)
Two large fields of grass in the north and around central tree: Alolan Raticate (30% ER only during the night), Hypno (10% ER during the day, 20% ER during the night), Tauros (10% ER, can call Miltank), Miltank (10% ER, can call Tauros), Hariyama (20% ER during the day, 10% ER during the night), Petilil (10% ER), Trumbeak (10% ER, can call Toucannon), Gumshoos (30% ER only during the day)
Three fields of grass by the mountains: Alolan Raticate (10% ER only during the night), Fearow (20% ER), Tauros (10% ER, can call Miltank), Miltank (10% ER, can call Tauros), Petilil (20% ER), Trumbeak (10% ER, can call Toucannon), Gumshoos (10% ER only during the day), Mudsdale (20% ER)
Three fields of grass on the coastline: Alolan Raticate (30% ER only during the night), Tauros (10% ER, can call Miltank), Miltank (10% ER, can call Tauros), Pelipper (20% ER), Petilil (20% ER), Trumbeak (10% ER, can call Toucannon), Gumshoos (30% ER only during the day)
Ambush encounters: rustling grass: Alolan Raticate (70% ER only during the night), Pyroar (30% ER), Gumshoos (70% ER only during the day)
Ambush encounters: shadows of flying Pokémon: Fearow (70% ER), Mandibuzz (30% ER)
Ambush encounters: rustling trees: Primeape (60% ER), Aipom (20% ER, can call Ambipom), Emolga (20% ER)
Ambush encounters: rustling bushes: Chansey (20% ER, can call Blissey), Scyther (30% ER), Petilil (50% ER)
Pile of Berries by Berry tree: Crabrawler (100% ER)

Poni Meadow
Grass: Petilil (30% ER), Sensu Style Oricorio (20% ER), Ribombee (30% ER during the day, 20% ER during the night), Floette (20% ER), Misdreavus (10% ER only during the night)
Fishing: Magikarp (59% ER, can call Gyarados), Dratini (1% ER, can call Dragonair), Barboach (40% ER, can call Whiscash)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Magikarp (50% ER, can call Gyarados), Dratini (10% ER, can call Dragonair), Barboach (40% ER, can call Whiscash)

Resolution Cave: Exterior: Golbat (40% ER, can call Crobat), Alolan Dugtrio (30% ER), Druddigon (15% ER during the day, 14% ER during the night, 1% ER during the night, can call Golbat), Noivern (15% ER)

Resolution Cave: Interior: Golbat (10% ER, 10% ER, can call Golbat), Alolan Dugtrio (20% ER), Druddigon (20% ER), Noivern (40% ER)

Poni Coast
Ambush encounters: Dugtrio (100% ER)

Poni Gauntlet
Grass: Pelipper (25% ER), Granbull (20% ER), Lickitung (20% ER), Inkay (15% ER), Golduck (10% ER), Bewear (10% ER)
Fishing: Magikarp (59% ER, can call Gyarados), Dratini (1% ER, can call Dragonair and Dragonite), Barboach (40% ER, can call Whiscash)
Fishing at the bubbling spot: Magikarp (50% ER, can call Gyarados), Dratini (10% ER, can call Dragonair and Dragonite), Barboach (40% ER, can call Whiscash)

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