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Is there even glitches in lets go? I've heard of one of them where the player is locked in one position, but there are more, right?


3 Answers

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Best answer

Okay, so I went and looked, and here are the glitches.

As you’ve said, there is a glitch where the player is locked in one position. Actually, there are more than one.

As the other people said, there is the “opposing trainer item use glitch” that makes it say “you used a [item]” when the opponent used it instead.

There is one glitch that makes it say “Play with [pokemon that’s not pikachu/eevee]” in the menu.

In Cerulean Cave, there is one glitch that makes a Pokémon’s color change when you go near the crystals.

There is also one thing that swaps the square marking and the star marking. I’m not completely sure if it’s a glitch or just an oversight, but I’ll put it here just in case.

For more details, check out the source (which is a video).
Source- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pDzbcPJHQxM

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0 votes

Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!
Opposing Trainer item use glitch
If an NPC (such as Trace or the Gentleman on the S.S. Anne) uses an item in battle, the text "You used a (item)." will be displayed, stating that it was the player who used the item.

This is the only one on Bulbapedia lol

Hope this helps! :)

0 votes

I accidentally found one long ago...it’s game threatening. I can’t remember it exactly, but its basic features...

If you go into Silph Co. , 5th floor, go to that meeting desk near there, at the bottom left corner or the screen at the leftmost. Then, you can actually get trapped by a team rocket grunt. you can’t use Escape Rope, and it’ll wait until you start going to the corner. Once it comes down, it traps you from moving from that corner due to the “force field around people” or vice versa. (etc you can’t go to close to some objects/people/other.)

So the game thinks its an object you couldn’t get to close to in the first place. It doesn’t realize you are behind it so it keeps you still. But with player’s movement. sometimes, you can even get team rocket clothes on if you kept the default clothes.

I believe that the game thinks it’s a trainer and will walk up to you until you can’t move. Once you defeated the game, however, it cant occur. But if you do this before you defeat the elite four, it locks you with this grunt. But, you can fix it if you spawn another trainer with the joystick. this will not be any help on a Nintendo lite. So I recommend saving your progress before entering Silph Co. Or exploring every nook and cranny of 5f with a lite. I found a video on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yd3monv1v3s

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Asker seems to know about this one already -- not to mention that it isn't really a glitch. The game works normally, it's just a development oversight.