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I picked Turtwig, and I usually have a good Fire type, Water type and Grass type in my playthroughs. The Fire type to cover the Water type, the Grass type to cover the Fire type and so on, and then leave the other three slots up to preference. If possible, don't say a starter, but if the only really good Pokemon of that type is the starter, and you have evidence to back that up, I'll accept it. This is because I don't like having to have to go back through the starting point over and over. Thanks!

just look through this thread
But I'd like a specific answer, because I already went through the Platinum in game team thread
Is there any better option than Floatzel for a Water Type, or a different option than Rapidash for a fire type in Platinum, not including the starter
That's what I mostly found when they had a Water type other than Empoleon or a Fire type other than infernape, so are those really the only/best options?
Maybe Floatzel and Magmortar? (if you can trade, if not i think rapidash would be best

1 Answer

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Best answer


There are four non-starter fully evolved Fire types (Flareon, Rapidash, Houndoom, Magmortar), two of which are not good/not easily accessible (Flareon, Magmortar).

Rapidash is pretty good. You get Ponyta at a decent point in the game, and Rapidash is very fast and has a solid Attack stat. It is frail, however, and it takes a while to level up. The only physical Fire move it gets until Level 56 is Flame Wheel.

Houndoom is pretty well-rounded offensively, with 90 Attack, 110 Special Attack, and 95 Speed. Houndour evolves fairly early, and it's a nice asset for any team. It is quite frail, however, so be warned.


There are fifteen non-starter, non-legendary fully evolved Water types (Bibarel, Gyarados, Golduck, Floatzel, Gastrodon, Seaking, Whiscash, Quagsire, Pelipper, Azumarill, Octillery, Lumineon, Tentacruel, Milotic, and Mantine). Of these, Bibarel, Gyarados, Floatzel, and Gastrodon are the best possible choices.

A very nice HM Slave, with access to Cut, Surf, Strength, Rock smash, Waterfall, and Rock Climb. It's easily available, though it is weak, and not good in battle.

A staple of many teams throughout the regions, and Sinnoh is no exception. It's a beast, with 125 Attack and a workable Speed stat. You'll have to suffer with Magikarp for a bit, but it's well worth it.

Debatably better than Gyarados, with fewer weaknesses and a better first stage. It's faster, has a very solid Attack stat, and learns a variety of good moves. It's frail, but that hardly matters when it OHKOs everything.

Gastrodon is the best defensive Water type in the game. It's only contested with Quagsire, but you get Quagsire at a later point in the game. Gastrodon is bulky and a decent attacker, but it doesn't have the best of movepools. It's also pitifully slow.

For in-game purposes, the best Fire type is probably Rapidash, due to ease of access and damage output. The best Water type is probably Floatzel, due to it having fewer weaknesses than Gyarados, and it being almost as powerful offensively. Gyarados, Bibarel, and Gastrodon are all very good as well, however.

Hope I helped!

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@sumwun Cap. Gastrodon is fantastic. Top tier typing, can cancel out electric and water attacks with Storm Drain, sturdy as hell, decent attack, easy access to recovery. If you TM Earthquake onto him he becomes one of the best Pokemon in the game.

Gastrodon swept like half the Elite 4 for me. You just gotta put some love into Shellos, who is admittedly weak, and he'll evolve into a beast.
First, storm drain doesn't work in singles in gen 4. Second, defensive typing, defense stats, and recovery are usually less important than offensive typing and attack stats because offensive Pokemon can defeat their opponents faster and spend less time dealing with stat changes and status effects. Third, how do you know that Gyarados and Floatzel can't sweep more than half of the Elite 4?
Gyarados can sweep entire games with the right moveset, even in Gens where all Water-type moves were Special.
Waterfall/Earthquake/Ice Fang/Dragon Dance is all you need for Gyarados and it will destroy the entire game especially when it can set up.
Lol I know both Gyarados and Floatzel are very good. I have both leveled and in my regular rotation. However, I don't find Gastrodon to be weaker and generally prefer him as my go-to water type.