PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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For example, if I had a Female Zorua and bred it with a Ditto, would the offspring have any (excluding the usual differences in Pokemon breeding i.e EVs/Nature differences) difference than if I had a Male Zorua and bred it with a Ditto?

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If breeding with a Ditto, whether your Pokemon is male or female, it will have all the traits of both genders when breeding normally

2 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

For Generation VI onward, if the female Pokémon has a non-Hidden Ability, there is a 80% chance that its offspring will have the Ability in the same slot as the mother (regardless of whether it was bred with a male Pokémon or Ditto).

In Generation VI, the Poké Ball of the female Pokémon is always passed down to its offspring (even when bred with Ditto); male and gender-unknown Pokémon have no effect on their offspring's Poké Ball in this generation.

I think these are the only 2 differences, but the article was long and I might have missed some others.

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I don't think the second one is a difference because the Pokemon that isn't Ditto will always pass down it's ball
The second one says male and genderless Pokemon can't pass down Poke balls when breeding with Ditto.
–2 votes

Like McRib said it doesn't matter the gender the offspring will get normal results just as breeding with a male and a female Zorua.

This answer is wrong according to Bulbapedia.
Not what I said