Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

It has been bothering me a lot. I only quit for like 5 seconds, I go back in, and..... I am logged out. But, if I wait hours, I ain't logged out. Why is this?!

That's all.

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This happens to me, too.
You need to click the "Remember me on this computer" button when you log in.
What exactly do you mean when you say “quit”? Are you closing your browser or restarting the computer?
I am closing the browser.

1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

If you don't tick "Remember me" when logging in, then you get logged out when you close your browser. That's just how the system works.

If you want to stay logged in permanently, do what Bender says :D

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But, it has being weirding me out that sometimes after hours (once a full night) my account stays on. hmph

BA for the smiley :D
I think the implication of PM's answer is that you possibly didn't close your browser, and that is why you weren't signed out. Theoretically you could leave it open overnight, and it'll be logged in the next morning.
+Fizz, I do close my browser. Unless my mom turns off the computer.