Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote


Welcome to the next installment of Pokémon Database's quarterly tournament! For this installment, we will be playing Carnelian's Unrestricted Items Tournament!


  • Best of three (debatable)
  • Double Elimination (debatable)
  • The restrictions on one Mega per team still exist. The core mechanics are not being altered, only the need for some items and abilities are being "modified".
  • You can give Mega's and/or Primal's and/or any other form Z-Crystals. They'll work as normal.
  • You can give Mega's and/or Primal's and/or any other form their respective item which changes their form, like a Mega Stone or Orbs. - This'll prevent Trick and Knock Off.
  • You can give Mega's and/or Primal's and/or any other form the Arceus Plates.
  • Arceus without a Plate would become Normal-tpe.
  • As a result of deliberation, Zacian forms, Mega Rayquaza and Mega Gengar without its Mega Stone will be banned as they will make the meta extremely unbalanced.

Other Things

  • All battles should be conducted on the official PokéBase Showdown! server.
  • Standard Smogon battle clauses apply.
  • Ghosting is strictly prohibited. Ghosting is defined as giving any piece of advice to someone playing a game. Spectators may not influence a player's decisions, nor can players accept outside help during a battle.
  • You are not required to have the same team throughout the tournament; you may swap out team members (or whole teams) between matches if you desire to.
  • Agreements are allowed. For example, if you want to ban Heatran, and if your opponent agrees, you can play without it. Try to agree only if you're totally sure about it, as breaking agreements is frowned upon.
  • Replays should be always be saved.

    Please post all battle replays to the thread here, as a comment to the BA'd answer with the matchups (coming after the signups end). If a battle between two players is not conducted before the set deadline, then I will decide whether an extension will be granted or if a player will get the act win. You can also call act if your opponent failed to show

I will be watching each replay to ensure these rules are followed, and should they be broken, the results will not be accepted and the battle must be redone. Further rule violations will result in disqualification.


Now onto the sign-ups! Before signing up, please read the guidelines for playing in tournaments. For those signing up, please answer with your Pokémon Showdown! Username, your time zone and your availability. When scheduling, if you have trouble with the time zones, use a time zone converter.

When signing up, please state whether you want Single or Double Elimination and Best of One or Three as well as any further bans, and whether to play in NatDex AG or Ubers as it was debated in the tournament post.

Here is an example sign-up.

Pokémon Showdown! Username: Jhnfui
Time Zone: GMT -4 (EST).
Availability: Almost anytime except for Tuesdays.
Double Elimination and Best of 1.
NatDex Ubers.
Further Bans: None

Sign-ups will close on June 23rd at 7:00 AM EST with the first round beginning soon after.

When Challenging your opponent, please use the code /challenge [format] @@@ !obtainable .
If you have any questions, please comment. Have fun!

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I agree that the Zacian forms, Rayquaza-Mega, and Mega Gengar should be banned, so I will implement those.
Is Mega Gengar supposed to be banned even by running ordinary Gengar with a mega stone?
Nope.  That's my bad.  There is no reason to ban regular Mega Gengar.
PM has updated via Discord that the PokeBase PS server went down after he updated it recently. I assume he'll be working to have it back online soon.
How many battles were played, for the tournament, in total?

7 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

Finals are now live!

Winners bracket

J™ v. Talos (activity win). No response in 2 weeks.

Losers Bracket

Talos v. Carnelian.

Battles are due by July 28th with replays.

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Carnelian wants me to take the win, so...
I mean, we can battle Thursday?
Sorry for not responding, but I was at Band camp.  I can battle basically anytime this week.
I’ll host the next tournament if that’s alright. I’ll probably start the next poll as soon as I get the go ahead and make it last for a week or so. The last tournament’s voting poll didn’t have its results released as far as I know, so I can I just base it off the current most voted ideas/most played formats?
Yep, that's reasonable if the results aren't available. Thanks for doing hosting.
0 votes

Username: HunterBear 4
Time Zone: EDT (GMT-4)
Availability: Saturday - Sunday, 8 PM - 6 PM
Double Elimination, I at least want to lose twice
National Dex Ubers
No further bans

When are you free?
0 votes

my nights
double elimination bo1
NatDex Ubers

I might be inactive in the first week of July.

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Can you battle July 10th from 5pm to 9pm your time?
I'm on now on Smogon's server.
0 votes

Hiya people, I'm back! (Though I'm sure nobody cares)

Username: DracoMagnis
Timezone: GMT +5.5
Free from 4:30 AM to 4:30 P.M GMT, most days of the week. Will be offline from 6th to 9th July, though.
Double Elimination
NatDex AG
Best of 1
No further bans

When can you battle?  I'm available from about 5pm to 9pm your time any day basically.
Yep, free Friday?
That sounds good to me.
Can we do 5pm your time?  It is easier for me.
I'm on now.  I'm on the main PS server though.  The DB one won't load for me.
I'm online too
I can battle any day this week after about 6pm EST.  What works for you?
0 votes

Pokémon Showdown! Username: Jhnfui
Time Zone: GMT -4 (EST).
Availability: Almost anytime except for Tuesdays.
Double Elimination and Best of 1.
NatDex Ubers.
Further Bans: None

0 votes

Sign-ups are now closed! We have voted 3-1 for NatDex Ubers and unanimously for Double Elimination. Due to other reasons, we have decided to ban Zacian-C, Zacian Hero and Mega Gengar with anything but its Mega Stone.

These are the matchups.

Talos v. J™
Carnelian v. CyberHedgehog IV

The challenge code for Showdown! is here.

Battles are due by July 1st with replays. If you need an extension or have any questions, contact me on my wall.

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Only the Zacians are banned? NatDex Ubers had a majority (minus Baton Pass, OHKO Clause, Evasion Moves Clause, Species Clause, Dynamax Clause, Sleep Clause Mod, Zacians, Rayquaza-Mega, Gengar-Mega).

e: nevermind the code isn't updated. For those playing, the code should be
My bad, I'm horrible with Showdown lol.  Thanks you though!
The code is wrong - Zacian Hero does not exist. /challenge gen8nationaldexag @@@ !Obtainable Formes, OHKO Clause, Evasion Moves Clause, Species Clause, Dynamax Clause, Sleep Clause Mod, -Zacian-Crowned, -Gengar-Mega, -Rayquaza-Mega, -Zacian, -Baton Pass. This is the correct code
Calling act. No response from opponent.
0 votes

Round 2 is now live!

Winner's Bracket

J™ v. Carnelian (Activity win for Carnelian puts them here now).

Loser's Bracket

Talos v. CyberHedgehog IV

Battles are due by July 14th with replays. The new code for Showdown! Is here.

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Calling act. No response from opponent
I came third by losing a single match. I love this tourney
Actually you can still win.  You will face the loser of me and Carnelian in the Losers bracket finals to see if you get to the overall finals.  That is what double elimination means.