Pokémon Rate My Team
9 votes

You can share your battle replays (or battle codes from the cartridge games) on this thread. Please read and follow the rules below.

  1. Replays from the lower ladder (<1300 Elo) will be removed, by popular demand. There are no stakes in a low ladder game, and either player is very likely to make basic misplays or use a bad team. This makes the match difficult to watch. For now, we will say that any match rated below 1300 Elo is from the low ladder. (We may be lenient with less popular formats.)

  2. Your replay should be entertaining. A random sweep you got or some guy who went off at you is probably common to most people. Make sure there is something unique or surprising about it.

  3. If you're sharing a Showdown replay, please make sure it is actually uploaded on their website. You need to press the 'Upload replay' button at the end of the match (not download) and post the link it gives back to you. Do not post the link to a battle room, because it will expire. Do not attach the file path to a replay you saved to your computer, because we can't access that.

  4. If you have multiple replays, you must submit them all in the same answer. If you get another replay, you should edit your answer to add it.

  5. Please add a warning if people use harsh language in the chat during your replay. No slurs!

If your replay link looks like file:///C:/Users/username/folder/Format-2000-01-01-player1-player2.html, then we can't see it. That is a file on your computer. Upload the replay next time.

closed as a duplicate of: Share battle replays here
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Question: are you allowed to post your replay in another format, like a youtube video link? As long as others can see it, and it's not (as you said), just a file path, is it allowed?
@Jme yes
Uploaded: Dec 3, 2021 | Rating: 1274
Am I allowed to post with this elo? I know it is not over 1300 elo, but it is really close (I have over 1400 ladder points on the played format).
I know I'm not Fizz, but what format is it for?
@BlastFury0614 Don't think so. You may have more ELO than the requirement on the ladder, but if your opponent is below 1300, then that means it's most likely that they'll misplay and unskilled most of the time.

18 Answers

3 votes

Da Viper's Mega thread
Random Battle
This dude was so salty because of Clefable
When you forget to bring your Horse to battle
When you play the game too much and know exactly what your opponent is gonna do
Okay so I know this is low ladder, but you really shouldn't judge someone based off their skill in one format.
Gen 8 AG
Wanted to face Lycanroc HO... got my wish.
I hax Geysers too much...
Me haxing Swastik without him knowing it was me. Sorry it had to be done...
Sheer Cold rng is strange...
Lmao this is why I run Jolly Zacian
1 miss = total salt
That one awkward moment when you use an old and weird set to win
National Dex Ag
Being nooby and beating a 2000+ elo person.
That moment when you finally get God lucky RNG...
Gen 7 AG
I seriously didn't expect my extreme HO to win that...
Doubles Ubers
Turning battles around like this is what I exist for.
Maybe they should consider adding a sleep clause mod...
National Dex Monotype
When your shlt actually works... against the highest ranking person on ladder
Gen 8 1v1
Mind games lol

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Warning: Some battles do contain salt.
Btw the word "shlt" is totally allowed in nicks on PS! and all no need to censor it.
I'm not censoring anything. "Just testing sh*t" was already taken.
arite ic
2 votes

I dont have a lot of cool replays but these ones weren’t terrible ig

Gen7 OU:

2 votes

Here are some replays:
Gen 9 NU
This replay is why I like Blaze on Typhlosion (At first I was unaware I had Blaze lol)
Hyper Offense teams don't always autolose to Trick Room
Gen 8 NU
A reminder to run Encore Whimsicott, not Tailwind, if you want Whimsicott to check Blastoise
Although I lost, messing with Roar Vaporeon with Magic Bounce was fun
Me outplaying Pro Tox Guzzlord with Blastoise
I guess Celebi really does win on Team Preview depending on its set
Old NU Replay: Battle against X showcasing the Drought Meta in NU
Ok I know the rating says 1095 but I was above 1300 elo so... : Acorrding to this guy +Speed Earthquake Shell Smash Blastoise is a meme (which is not lol)
When you get a ridiculous damage roll that you're opponent assumes you're Choice Banded and not Scarfed
My opponent Lucky wasn't really so lucky when Goltres had some luck
The chance of Wide Lens Triple Axel hitting once is low, but never zero
National Dex UU
Me winning vs a Hail Team after a period of me not playing NatDex UU
National Dex Monotype
Just because Toxapex is tricked Choice Scarf doesn't mean I don't spam Toxic
Just a decently played game by me vs a Mono Fighting team
Me somehow knowing my opponent would miss Sacred Fire at the end game

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I'm pretty sure Celebi wasn't winning preview in the 4th replay; Guzzlord + Sucker Punch Cro are pretty enough for it, I guess.
Hmm you could be right. I think I had Psychic + something like Aura Sphere. Can't check since I no longer have that team since Celebi is RU now. :/
1 vote

Close battle with Ignis Aqua Herba I'm gonna put more replays on this later
Against all odds Calyrex-Shadow saves my bacon against ANoobWithoutAName. GG.
I tested a fun set I made, I lost, but it was fun. GG Swastik.
GG Manectric that was fun, even though I lost.
Why I hate Sucker Punch and Lycanroc HO.
How to play around specs with SubSeed. Also Focus Miss, er, Blast hax. https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen9anythinggoes-1787309271
I actually beat this person, they were using Staraptor for some reason though...

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What's entertaining about this replay?
Oh they should be entertaining. I put some games that aren't on the ladder but are good.
A accidental misclick leads to a long challenge cup 1v1 battle. The longest one I've had. Also, one opponent has less than 1300 elo so I'm commenting, like what Polaris did.
NEVER give Korai too many SDs especially with Flame Charge (I was below 1300 ELO, but I became over 1300 once I won)
1 vote
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I typed in 1000 on the 'Go to turn' text box and it broke the tab in which the replay was being played. xD

Btw, your opponent lost ELO cause whenever a tie happens the person with more ELO always loses some of it.
That’s what I assumed. It just seems somewhat unfair.
That's fair imo, because if you have low ELO then you should be rewarded for tying with a high ELO player.
1 vote

A few of my favorite replays. I'll update this regularly.

OU tournament game where Bisharp does very well

Another OU tournament game where Bisharp is incredible, quarterfinals

Why Clefable should rise to S

Warning: A bit of harsh language in the first replay

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Language warning for the first one.
Clefable won't ever rise to S because Heatran exists :)

E: Didn't saw this is Nat Dex. Is Heatran used there, like OU :o
Heatran is pretty common in National Dex, however Heatran is scared of boosted Thunder and its paralysis rate and offensive sets are pretty common and those cannot check clef almost at all.
1 vote

Holy crap those last few turns were a roller coaster of emotions. (Gen 7 AG)
I didn't know Marsh's Rock Tomb doesn't OHKO Ho-oh; I guess that's with LO.

Sheeeeesh that was close. Against ladder's currently #1 player. (Gen 7 AG)
I clicked Toxic on T45 cause I thought they were gonna PP stall my Sacred Fire w/ Morning Sun. Never expected a TR NDM lol. (I had goggles on Ho-oh btw.)

My 2nd time beating a legit stall team! (Gen 7 AG) (Language Warning)
Opponent skilled me with Precipice Blades miss but doesn't matter, using Lance stall doesn't make you win all the games (unnecessary Ho-oh sack / bad switchins) ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I actually beat a stall team for the first time! (Gen 7 AG) (Language Warning)
I would've prolly lost if it wasn't for the opponent's weird Ho-Oh sack.

"You're so lucky" (Gen 7 AG)
The audacity ._.

Imagine being so bad and luck-dependant that you can't win even with 5 flinches in a match -- 2 in a row. (Gen 7 AG)
I love running my Fini team on ladder ocassionaly and reking these cheesty strat players. x)

Feat your eyes on... Sash Ho-Oh (Gen 7 AG) (Language Warning)
This game was WAY more tense that it should've been. I can't believe sash Ho-oh actually saved that dude lmao but I still ended up winning cause Taunt Yveltal is too good.

I have no idea why I won this. (Gen 7 AG)
I've honestly never been more proud of winning a battle. My team is literally 6-0'd by CM Groundceus and I felt like forfeiting when I saw CM on the Groundceus. Played around and ended up winning lol, never give up.

The closest battle I've ever had in my life. Ever. (Gen 7 AG)
I shall never undermine the value of PP of my moves now lmfao.

DrAgOn aScEnT iS SucH a sPammAblE mOvE! (Gen 7 AG)
(Note: That line is not meant to insult my opponent since he said something similar -- it's just what people usually say!)

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(I am asjklfjsdklfjsdfjl. I know, weird name lol.)
Arceus-Rock is an used pretty less as a Rayquaza-Mega check as Tyranitar exists. Yes, it is underrated, but just a bit and, in my opinion, is used as much as it deserved. This isn't ORAS now, mate, Arceus-Rock was legit one of the best Arceys formes back then when you had the check Life Orb Ho-Oh and Yveltal, and when V-Create Rayquaza-Mega was far more common than Earthquake. There's a reason why the the Tyranitar is higher in the Viability Rankings than RocCeus. Tyranitar competes heavily with Arceus-Rock for its defensive niche. Tyranitar has the added Dark-typing, which also gives it Pursuit, so it has an edge against threats like Gengar-Mega. If you're running Rayquaza-Mega + Tyranitar, and if the opponent send in their Gengar-Mega to revenge kill your Rayquaza-M, then the Tyranitar can easily Pursuit trap the Gengar-M, so the opponent'll actually have to play some games if they don't want to trade Megas. Even if you sack, it'll not go in vain as the Tyranitar would revenge kill the Gengar-M easily. As Tyranitar has access to a free itemslot, it can run Shuca Berry to act as the closest thing to a Rayquaza-Mega counter which you can get, whereas Arceus-Rock is left with a restricted itemslot. Tyranitar also has the added benefit of checking other scary offensive threats like non-Sunsteel Strike Necrozma-Ultra, Gengar-Mega, Yveltal and Arceus-Normal. Foul Play does solid damage to almost everything Tyranitar is relied on to check, OHKO'ing Necrozma-U and Gengar-M and 2HKO'ing a boosted Arceus-N. Also, Sand Stream's boost to its Special Defense allows to effectively check some powerful special attackers, almost all of which I've mentioned above. Now if we come back to Arceus-Rock, another of its big issue is that whenever it comes in, you're going to be drained of a lot of your momentum. Things like Groudon-Primal and Zygarde love to come on RocCeus, and they can wall it pretty easily depending on its set. Also, common Pokémon like Kyogre-Primal, Groudon-Primal, Necrozma-DM and Marshadow force it out pretty easily, and Marshadow can Pursuit trap a very weakened RocCeus too. Even as a 252/252 Calm Mind Arceus, it's usually outclassed by DarkCeus or FairyCeus, as they do the same job, but better as they can setup comparatively easily than RocCeus. Rayquaza-Mega can also run some common coverage moves like Earthqake and, on some Scarf sets, Surf too, and it's hit very hard by Life Orb Draco Meteor. RocCeus can be easily dispatched and is usually a one-time switchin to Rayquaza-Mega, as after they know that it's in your team, they can make some witty doubles and take advantage of the momentum drain.

In the Unicorns vs. Temp AGPL match (for reference: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/smogtours-gen7anythinggoes-571180 don't mind the nicks), you'll be able to see how easily RocCeus was overwhelmed, that also by Ferrothorn, and couldn't keep itself healthy enough to face Rayquaza-M. Even though Temp sacked the Rayquaza-M, it could have had taken a kill every time it came in if he had prevented Stealth Rock and had predicted the Pursuit from Marshadow, whereas Tyranitar was able to revenge kill Uni's Rayquaza-M through Foul Play. Even though Uni was sacking the Ray-M to pave way for the FairyCeus to setup and sweep, the main point here is of the RocCeus. Without enough support, it can be trounced easily, whereas Tyranitar doesn't require that much of extensive support. Tyranitar + Kyogre-Primal, Tyranitar + Skarmory + Chansey, Tyranitar + Groudon-Primal, the possibilities are actually a lot.

I hope I've now made it clear why Arceus-Rock is used less than Tyranitar.
(And about the Alchemist part, they aren't such a good player, have played them a few times and personally I feel that they wouldn't fall in even the Top 15 players right now. The ladder isn't a true representation of the "best" players, try to keep that in mind, the USUM ladder is pretty dead right now. Peace)
:00000000 That's like an whole article on Arceus-Rock in USUM AG lmfao. I'm not in the mood to type rn so I'll post on your wall, I have a lot to say. x)
And yes, I agree with you that RocCeus isn't really that viable and is outclassed by Arc-F and Ttar. I realised that after more battles using it.
This is low ladder so I'm just commenting it, but Gengar-Mega just 6-0'd a team in USUM Ubers. x)
Fwiw 2.B.A.M is a rando ladder dude who almost peaked with Sash Ho-oh, making it a common sight on the ladder.
1 vote

Bunch of my replays

That's it for now will look for more ¯_(ツ)_/¯.

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0 votes

Nat dex UU battle. Pride from opponent, bit of salt and stupidity from me
nat dex uu battles arent very common and am quite satisfied with this. Its kinda low ladder but thats cuz getting battles r somewhat challenging with my timezone and that its an unpopular format.
successfully outplayed X
opponent eventually quit after being stalled and played by regenerator spam.
remotely entertaining match of not nat dex ag.
Decently entertaining metronome battle.

Will share more when i find 'em

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@Sixer I edited out the first link, which was invalid. The new first link should work fine for everyone.
0 votes

The Partially Pathetic Painful Panicky ~Polaris~ Thread
(its slightly bad it hurts a bit and nobody knows whats going on. my smol thread in a nutshell. enjoy!)

Last PPPPPT Update: 10/06/2021 (3 Replays)
Hope you enjoyed, have a nice day uwu

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This is below 1300 ELO (1200 and something) so i can't post it on my answer. i still want people to see it though because i like it lol. i present: Spin To Win!


(I hope this is allowed lol)
Edit in the new replays instead of commenting.
@Frozen they aren't 1300 ELO so technically they're not allowed on my answer. it's just so people can see (because they're my favourite replays)
@AstroBirb you can post the FFA replay in your answer as it's a friendly, so it can't have a rating.
0 votes
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"Please add a warning if people use harsh language in the chat during your replay."

Can you please add a warning since the second replay has some harsh language?
Didn't even notice that. Oops lemme change it
0 votes
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You may not include replays in your answer that are rated below 1300 points.
0 votes

Even when Scizor is burned... He is still a threat.

Why you should use Serperior in Gen 7 OU

Why I use Ancient Power on Heatran. (Warning: a bit of harsh language)

Groudon is so good when he gets crits

Mega Camerupt with no trick room?

Their team got bodied by my lead Azelf and they didn't bother to use their Bisharp to stop him.

A battle I had with Volt Striker (should have remembered to save the replay of the battle I completely lost against him).

() vs ()

Scizor vs Shiny Scizor but everyone dies. [ including shiny scizor >:) ]

() vs ()()()

This person was literally using the Incineroar evolution line, Im more surprised that he managed to get his rating to 1342 with a team like that.

() vs ()
An awesome Terrakion sweep against eruption Torkoal

Similar to the one above, against a person with a higher rating.

Armarouge setup works just great

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They haven't formatted it well. I tried to edit it but I can't understand how they have added the links.
Neither one of Scizor, Serperior or Heatran replays work for me. There aren't any links at all, its just plain text. I checked the edit history to see the formatting and I think they might've messed up the hyperlink and/or image codes.

Edit: Okay I have no idea what happened here, but the Scizor and Serperior replays started working for some reason, together with their images showing up. The Heatran one still doesn't work tho.

Also, why is my comment flagged?
Made some edits, is everything showing for you guys now?
Nope, still not, unfortunately.
They work fine now.
0 votes

Demon Butterfly
Uhhh... I don't know if this is entretaining or not, but I won a random battle thanks a Butterfree of all things. The Butterfly defeated a Dynamaxed Palkia, the literal god of space.

The frog saves the day
I was almost losing the Free For All battle (there is no ladder for it btw), but I ended up winning anyways

'Cause you had a bad day
My opponent was so unlucky in this turn. I almost feel sorry for them. (I know this battle is low elo but since the format is metronome (therefore everything is pure luck) hopefully this doesn't count. if it does I'll remove the link)

The Attack of the Levitating Waifu
Man, just see the end. I never loved Trace so much.

The Greedy Horseman
Do you really thought my Heracross would die like this? Ha! What a FOOLISH MISCALCULATION (btw he had a 25% chance to OHKO)

As annoying as possible
Here is a perfect showcase of my gimmky Baton Pass team. Very risky but very dangerous if everything goes as planned. You see that the boosts snowballed very quickly and I even had to be careful of Ditto copying my stats.

Rain Mirror Match
I faced a team almost identical to mine, but I still came out on top (Manaphy really helped me here)

Rain VS Trick Room
Warning!! Not as epic as it sounds :P

Trick Room For the win!
I won my first tour ever on showdown, and it was thanks to this insane trick room team!

And That is why stealing is bad kids
My plan was to Ice Shard the fish, but it went sooo wrong.

Hydro miss VS Fire miss. And then there is Stone Miss as well
As a (not so) wise poketuber once said, if it is not 100% accurate, it is 50% accurate

RNG Jesus actually exists
My opponent got so lucky here... I can't even feel mad about it :\

God Krookodile
The story of the level 10 Croc that defeated a Legendary in one shot. Guess what happened here :)

A really terrible misclick
Ya hate to see it

What, Doublade is evolving!
This battle may be low elo, but what am I trying to show isn't related to what happend in the battle itself, but rather the cool pairing that I got. So hopefully this doesn't count (if it does I'll remove the link)*

Not the sitting duck you would expect
Man, never expected a Farfetch'd of all things to be the MVP of a actual battle!

Don't Fuckle with Shuckle
Those false gods could never stop the true menace that is Shuckie

Delibird acutally being useful
This mod is called the 350 cup, where mons with a BST lower than 350 get doubled stats. I actually won going in with no experience on this format at all, which is quite impressive (actually I just got lucky)

The worst turn one possible :|
I don't think it could ever been worse than that

That Sheer Cold tho
I mean, I also got a OHKO with Hurricane, but still... wow

Solrock, the sun killer
This is what happens if you play Camomons in the lowest tier possible

Sand and Megas
I usually am more of a rain guy, but I think experimenting with Sand was worth it (albeit I was a bit lucky).

Monotype but Stronk
Using Flying or maybe Fairy would be wiser, but I had to stick to my roots and use Water instead :)

Gyarados goes brrr
A combination of two honestly underrated OMs... Linked and Revelationmons. This was fun.

Primeape goes bananas
First ever tour win in Gen 9, featuring Wicked Torque Sneasel and Primeape.

Houndstone being Houndstone
Also my opponent said something thats straight up wrong in the end.

Dance Dance Dukevolution
Just the Samba Duck casuallly dancing on my opponents entire team.

The Crit matters this time
Yes, I actually did the calcs. Gosh that battle was close.

I didn't think a ton here
I forgot about Mold Breaker bruhh...

...just wt£
Metronome on steoroids

Nah I didn't deserve that
The funny thing is that, in the semifinals of the same tour I got almost equally lucky

The luckiest pig alive
Seriously, what was that...

Squirrel Sweeps
You all have no idea how mad my opp was after this battle lmaooo

The predict of the year
Not mine but still wanted to show this amazing play this guy did. Like, I know what he predicted its very common, but still crazy.

Tier Shift + AAA = God Dudunsparce

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0 votes

Gen 9 OU:

Sun vs. Balance

With Sun, navigation is the key to victory

Hazard Stack vs. Hazard Stack

Just thought this was a cool game by both sides.

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