PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for VinnyHedgehog (page 3)

ok then Vinny
Oct 31, 2022 by MangoBrick
didn’t even know it was cyber, I usually call people the first word-sounding couple of letters in their username. I would call myself Red, even though I prefer M or mikki. Would you like me to call you Vinny, Cyber, or something else?
Oct 31, 2022 by MangoBrick
meh sounds like my dogs
Oct 27, 2022 by MangoBrick
can’t deal with mites, deal’s off
Oct 26, 2022 by MangoBrick
ill trade my two chihuahuas for one spiky boi
Oct 25, 2022 by MangoBrick
for real though your grav is the cutest hedgehog I’ve ever seen (I haven’t seen many but still)
Oct 25, 2022 by MangoBrick
get a fish
Oct 24, 2022 by MangoBrick
get a dog
Oct 24, 2022 by MangoBrick
get a hedgehog to avenge jack’s passing from this material world
Oct 23, 2022 by MangoBrick
rip on the wall for jack (yes im several weeks late)
Oct 22, 2022 by MangoBrick