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Corviknight is a helluva lot easier to get. You get Corviknight at 38. You get Bisharp at 52 and then you must fight 3 Bisharp gang leaders holding the leader's crest. On another note, why are we getting so many of these questions?
Because I'm trying to figure out my team. I can't just say "is this team good" in the Q&A section, without breaking the rules. If I put it  in the Rate My Team section, it will take FOREVER to get a response.
Depends on what you want your team to be.
How does it depend on the team? What kinds of teams benefit more from Corviknight, and what kinds of teams benefit more from Kingambit? Please post an answer only when your post completely answers the question
Both are physical attackers but Corviknight is probably better because power trip is actually a good move and it doesn't have a quad weakness. It is also faster, Kingambit has a pitiful base speed of 50... Im pretty sure a fighting type could wreck it, as its only priority move is sucker punch.
Terastilising exsists to cover weaknesses. Also, Kingambit, while it has cons, such as being slow, and a 4x weakness, it has an AMAZING ability, and monster phsyical stats.

1 Answer

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Corviknight might be slightly better because it has better typing but again terastalizing exists. You will not outspeed a lot of things with either of them but if you need a bulky Pokemon then Corviknight would be better because it has bulk up and roost. Corviknight also has power trip. Kingambit is better offensively with Kowtow Cleave and its ability Supreme Overlord. You also have sucker punch (which is unfortunately an egg move) and iron head. Kingambit has defiant too but It's really up to you.

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This answer is missing the biggest factor in favour of Corviknight, which is Pawniard's extremely late evolution (by which point you are likely to have finished 95% of the playthrough). I don't think Corviknight's typing is necessarily better and I don't think Power Trip is notable at all.
I've decided with Kingambit
Any reason besides personal preference?
Not really, I just felt a Dark type might be more useful. Plus the fact that I'm trying to use as many new mons as possible, and Kingambit is dope, I've settled on Kingambit.