PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
2 votes

If a Pokemon with a Big Root equipped uses Leech Seed and then swaps out with another Pokemon, will the new Pokemon get increased HP back from the seed, or does the increased HP effect only work on the one that actually has the root equipped?

Similarly, if a Pokemon WITHOUT a Big Root equipped uses Leech Seed and then swaps out with a Pokemon who DOES have the root equipped, will the one with the root get increased HP back, even though he didn't plant the seed himself?

Basically, I'm just trying to figure out whether the Big Root effects the properties of the move itself, or just the Pokemon holding the root.

I'm playing Black right now, if it's different between versions.


1 Answer

0 votes

It only affects the Pokemon holding it. :)

edited by
You think? Or you know?
Fair enough xD