Meta-PokéBase Q&A
36 votes

So whenever we ban a user for a length of time of one day or more, us mods post here. This way Pokemaster can go through and unban those who he feels deserve a second chance, or in the case of wrongful banning, such as banning a user because you think (without any solid proof) that it might be a duplicate. This also helps us remember to unban you from temporary bans.

Don't comment on this page unless you have real reasons, it slows down loading.

Please do not make a duplicate and request to be unbanned, because the answer is already no. If you think a user was unjustly banned, just remember Moderators generally do not overturn the decisions of other Moderators.

Useful link: Ban report thread

edited by
On a warning for a long history of low quality and rule breaking posts. This user's wall should explain a bit of the stuff he posts, and so should his question and answer history.
I have very good reason to believe this user is a duplicate of a user who was blocked a couple years ago. I will be keeping an eye on this. For reference, this is the blocked user:
My account was created like a year after that person was banned it seems (if you look on his wall)
That does not prove that you are not the same person. Your IP addresses share the same host name, your usernames are very similar and several entries in your account details are the same.
I am prepared to let you use this account on the site, but please keep in mind that your past history of making "rage" posts and spam voting will not be forgotten.

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