Meta-PokéBase Q&A
3 votes

1) Usernames: Don't let someone sign up with any kind of swear word.
If someone tries to sign up with a swear word, the site should not allow it, even it if is part of a word, or if it is abbreviated in some way. One example is this >
2) A private chat suggestion. This might have been suggested before, in that case I'm bringing back a good idea.
I was thinking we could choose to have a small window pop up for a simple 1-on-1 chatting between a user and another. This could be good if one person wants to tell another person something the rest of chat can't see.
3) The ability to delete posts (allows for Mods & the post-er of the post, as well as PM, of course.)
This is another one that doesn't have any major relevance, though I just had a brainwave that, if PM can delete things, why can't Mods? This can be great if there's a post we don't want on the site, delete it. A big argument via comments? Delete it. Simple. This can also be avaliable for the poster of the to-be-deleted post; sometimes just because you're a top user on a Pokemon site doesn't mean you should see stuff others want gone forever, hence the name 'hiding'; it's still there for 15 of us to see.
4) Information on the site for Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald.
Yes, they're old, yes, they're outdated, but no, people still play them. It wouldn't hurt to add some of the already-implemented info on other games for R/S/E, perhaps? A lot of us have been itching for this for a while.
These as usual are only suggestions and/or my thoughts, yours are welcome. Feel free to comment. >

Idk about private chat, it seems like it would just create even more secrecy & drama.
Yeah, it's a good idea, but it almost seems like it would be just as bad as it is good
Like I said, it's just an idea. I don't exactly see how it could cause more trouble, as we have good security and PM can see the chat log for 'hey, vote me up!' posts.

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Usernames: Don't let someone sign up with any kind of swear word.

The one you suggested technically doesn't have a swear word in. It's pretty much impossible to program in all possibilities. And actually you can't register with an actual swear word in the name.

A private chat suggestion. This might have been suggested before, in that case I'm bringing back a good idea.

Probably won't happen. Maybe individual private messages through chat (aka whispering) but not a separate page.

The ability to delete posts (allows for Mods & the post-er of the post, as well as PM, of course.)

Not really important. Although I trust the mods we have I would prefer that it's not possible for them to go through and delete everything (whether them or someone hacking their account). However, hidden posts do get deleted from time to time so they shouldn't get in the way for the people that can see them.

Information on the site for Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald.

Yes been requested and is on the to-do list.

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OK, cool. ;)