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3 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Garbodor, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Garbodor Pokédex and learnset for reference.


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Likely tier: Unless they create a tier lower than Neverused, than Neverused.
PU? xD
In pokémon online have the tier LU (Lesser/LittleUsed), a tier lower than Neverused.
....Nope, LU is the equivalent of RU. xD
The genwunner target...
Garbodor is trash XD.
(This was a joke don't take it the wrong way)

16 Answers

5 votes

Garbodor (M) @ Black Sludge
Trait: Stench
EVs: 252 HP / 100 Def / 156 Spd or 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk) / Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Rock Blast
- Gunk Shot
- Spikes/Payback/Rock Polish/Body Slam/Toxic Spikes
- Spikes/Payback/Rock Polish/Body Slam/Toxic Spikes

Best abuser of Stench. When a multi-hit move is used, each hit gets the flinch chance of Stench (a 10% chance). So with Rock Blast, this means a 20-50% chance of flinching the foe, given that it hits of course. Not the level of a Togekiss Air Slash, A Dunsparce Zen Headbutt, or a Jirachi Iron Head, but unlike all but Dunsparce, Garbodor is NU. And as for Dunsparce, do you really want to use it on your team? And this isn't really all too gimmicky. I'd say Stench is the best ability Garbodor gets. Weak Armor is decent but it makes it too easy to take down. And Aftermath is too easy to exploit, what with Earthquake hits ignoring it. Gunk Shot is STAB. Rock Polish is to get that Speed up. Or you can just use Body Slam to paralyze the foe. However, just using Body Slam means that Ghost types won't be slown down. It also has a 30% chance to paralyze, meaning it isn't guarenteed to slow down the foe. I like the idea of using an Eelektross teammate to use Thunder Wave and Dragon Tail to spread out the paralysis. Of course making sure to take out any Heal Bell/Aromatherapy users. If you have such a teammate, you can use Spikes and Payback. Payback is really only for a hit against a Haunter if it disables Rock Blast. Toxic Spikes is there for if you don't have either Paralysis support or Body Slam. Paralysis is important not only to go first, but also to paraflinch. Black Sludge gives it some healing. The EVs give it some nice bulk. The Speed EVs are for use with Rock Polish. It allows you to outspeed the fastest of the common Choice Scarf users and +2 Speed boosters. If you have that Eelektross teammate I talked about, you can go 252 EVs in Def and 4 in Sp Def or Attack, with an Impish Nature.

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i like this one
Nice set, but maybe give it King Rock to get a 20% flinching chance every time it strikes
2 votes

Fling + Recycle Xatu / Golurk / Bronzong lure
Gen 8 NU

Garbodor @ TR71
Ability: Aftermath
EVs: 32 HP / 252 Atk / 224 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Gunk Shot
- Fling
- Recycle
- Spikes

This is a set someone else came up with and I wanted to share it here. Gunk Shot is for STAB. Fling is where it gets interesting. As you see, this set holds TR71. For those of you who don't know, when you Fling a TR, the power of Doing depends on the base power of what the TR you're holding is. Since TR71 is Leaf Storm, that means Fling has a base power of 130. This can help you do a ton of damage to Xatu, Golurk, and Bronzong. Recycle is for getting your TR71 back. Spikes is for setting up Spikes. This set works on specific teams where they appreciate the surprise factor. If you face a team with Xatu + Golurk, you can use Gunk Shot on Xatu and save the Fling for Golurk.


252+ Atk TR71 Garbodor Fling (130 BP) vs. 252 HP / 240 Def Xatu: 250-296 (74.8 - 88.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ Atk TR71 Garbodor Fling (130 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Golurk: 302-356 (94.6 - 111.5%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO

252+ Atk TR71 Garbodor Fling (130 BP) vs. 252 HP / 88+ Def Bronzong: 186-220 (55 - 65%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Pair this set with a special attacker that can beat Bronzong and you're good to go.

1 vote

suicide lead garbo

Garbodor @ Focus Sash
enter image description here enter image description here
Ability: Weak Armor
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 SDef
Jolly Nature
- Spikes
- Toxic Spikes / Gunk Shot / Rock Blast
- Seed Bomb
- Explosion

this set might seem odd and stupid at first look. however, fast garbodor does actually work, and quite well too. seed bomb is chosen over its STAB gunk shot as it deals with NU's common rock setters and leads (Golem, Seismitoad, Golurk) which a defensive garbo would die too. NU is also pretty slow atm, so this one outspends alot and especially after a weak armor boost. two spikes up is garbos usuall job, but a layer and then explode is also very smart to get rid of something you really don't want. toxic spikes isn't used much, so I would generally recommend rock blast to break some subs or its powerful gunk shot

1 vote

Garbodor (M) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Weak Armor
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Gunk Shot
- Drain Punch
- Seed Bomb/Rock Blast
- Rock Polish

Set up a Rock Polish to try and become a sweeper. Sash lets you take a hit so you actually have a chance, and if it's Physical, you get another Speed boost at the cost of your Defense. Gunk Shot is STAB, Drain Punch is coverage & healing, while Seed Bomb can cover your Ground-type weakness or Rock Blast for whatever.

1 vote

Bulky NU Hazer Setter

Garbodor @ Black Sludge
Ability: Aftermath
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Spikes
- Toxic Spikes
- Haze
- Gunk Shot

Aftermath for opponents that knock out Garbodor using a physical move get damaged and chipped off, making it easy for the next mon to easily KO the opponent's mon. Toxic Spikes and Spikes to hazard set and poison, chipping off the opponent, making it fairly easy for the rest of the team's sweepers to finish off the opponent's chipped off mons. Haze for resetting and countering all setup mons. Gunk Shot is STAB and used to beat Abomasnow and Whimsicott. Good investment in Special Defenses because Aftermath deals with the Defense, so SpD mon, bulky enough to tank a couple of hits, and by the time it faints, it will already have at least one layer of Spikes and a layer of Toxic Spikes. Black Sludge for reliable recovery.

Hope you like this moveset :).

0 votes

Garbodor has sort of grown on me. Here's the one I just raised:

Ability: Weak Armor
Nature: Lonely
EVs: Sp. Attack (lots), Attack, HP, a little Defense
Toxic Spikes

I find it difficult to choose between Toxic or Toxic Spikes. Poison them and then abuse Venoshock? Or set up spikes and poison anything that comes in? Thunderbolt is used mainly to zap Flyers who can't be touched by the spikes. Focus Blast is also an option to get rid of Steel-types, but the accuracy is shaky at best.

0 votes

Here's another one, more of a supportive utility set

Ability: Stench/Aftermath
Nature: Impish/Careful
EVs: HP and Defenses, maybe some Attack
Clear Smog
Body Slam
Gunk Shot

Clear Smog acts like Haze, except it's NOT stopped by Taunters. Spikes is a good entry hazard. Body Slam might induce paralysis and, if you have Stench as your ability, it may cause the opponent to flinch and give you a free turn. Combine that if the foe is already paralyzed! Gunk Shot is Garbodor's strongest STAB attack (not counting Venoshock on a poisoned foe).

0 votes

Here's my Adamant Garbodor as a bulk-meister!

Ability: Aftermath
Item: Black Sludge
Adamant/Brave Nature 252 Atk 252 HP 4 Def.

-Gunk Shot STAB and 30% chance to Poison
-Payback Coverage, deals with Psychic and base power becomes 100 after getting hit
-Curse Boosts Atk and Def, while speed lowers, won't really matter
-Amnesia Boosts Sp. Def.

So in this moveset. basically Curse and Amnesia are ther to build up Atk, Def, and Sp. Def while lowering Speed, that way, STAB Gunk shot amd makes Paback even more powerful along with Curse to really slow down so that chances are that you hit very hard and be bulky at the same time!

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0 votes

Garbodor - Poison @Black Sludge
Ability: Stench
EVs: 252 SpAtk / 129 Def / 129 SpDef
-Toxic - To deals a little damage every turn.
-Venoshock - Toxic + Venoshock = Fatal
-Giga Drain - To take some Ground-types.
-Dark Pulse - For cover Psychic-type weakness.

What about the nature? How about Modest?
0 votes

Just a set for old times sake.

Garbodor @ Black Sludge
252 HP/ 252 Atk/ 4 Def

Toxic Spikes
Pain Split
Drain Punch

The great exploding trash bag just bit the dust, or did it. Here is a great set for the worst Pokemon next to Magikarp and Feebas. He sets up some Toxic Spikes. Then he can Pain Split or Drain Punch to heal. And when everything looks glum, he just dies.... with a big BOOM!

He isn't the worst pokemon, although he is quite terrible.
0 votes

Full offense!

Garbodor (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Weak Armor
EVs: 188 Spd / 252 Atk / 68 HP
Adamant Nature
IVs: NaN SAtk
- Gunk Shot
- Seed Bomb
- Drain Punch
- Rock Blast

Perfect for switching into on a scarfed Fighting-type. The speedboost from weak armor is enough to get it up to 343, allowing you to outspeed alot, just do max speed if you so desire.

Gunk Shot for STAB, and even with the chance to miss, still worth it in my opinion.

Seed Bomb specifically for stuff like Golurk and/or Golem (Note that you'll need rocks set up ), or Seismitoad.

Drain Punch in case you run into any Steel-types, though I recommend switching out, unless you are certain that you can take out the opposing threat.

And finally, Rock Blast for some extra coverage and sub-breaking.

Though really, this guy shouldn't be switched in against something with a sub up. It is definitely not the best Pokemon made stat-wise ('cause I personally think this thing is hilarious), but it's fun to use something else for a change.

0 votes

Fling/Thief Garbodor... AKA Binman's Bane!

Garbodor @ Poison Barb
Ability: Aftermath/Stench
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Speed/HP, 252 Attack, 4 Speed/HP

Gunk Shot

The Poison Barb boosts Gunk Shot, which is also STAB boosted and very powerful. It has bad accuracy though. If you think that's all it's for, there's fling! With a poison barb, fling has 70 base power and poisons the opponent. Once you've used that, you can use thief to steal the opponent's item, and fling that too. If the item you steal is a choice item, you have no choice but to switch out. When this guy's on his last legs, explosion takes your opponent with him. Aftermath also triggers when you suicide, allowing even more damage. Stench can flinch your opponent, making his lower than average bulk matter less.

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0 votes

This guys are not that bad, and they look pretty cool!

Ability: Aftermath
Nature: Adamant/Careful
Item: Black sludge
EVs: 100HP / 200Attack / 55Def. & SpDef. / 100Speed.

Gunk Shot
Drain Punch
Rock Polish

Weak Armor makes them too easy to defeat, while you must be really lucky to make Stench work, so aftermath is the best ability for this set.
First, use Rock polish to become faster.
Gunk shot is the most powerful move, plus, Garbodor gets S.T.A.B.
Drain punch deals with steel types while you also heal.

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You forgot EVs.
0 votes

What is a good move set for Gabodor?

Huh?... Garbodor. People may think this Pokemon is useless, I mean just look at its stats. It can be bulky as hell. With 82 defense and sp. defense this thing can become a tank/wall with some work. The movepool is okay, saying it's not the best but you can do things with it. The abilities on this Pokemon are good. Stench and aftermath are good. So here is what I think is good;

Physical wall move set:
Nature: Impish
Ability: Stench-to flinch/Aftermath-to deal damage after fainting
Item: Sitrus Berry
EVs: Max Defense/Max Sp.Defense/4 HP
Stockpile: to boost the defense and sp.defense even higher.
Clear Smog: to clear out all stat changes on physical attackers.
Toxic: to stall Pokemon
Recycle: to get item back.

Special wall move set:
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Stench-to flinch/Aftermath-to deal damage after fainting
Item: Black Sludge
EVs: Max Defense/Max Sp. Defense/4 HP

Stockpile: to boost the defense and sp.defense even higher.
Clear Smog: to clear out all stat changes on special attackers.
Toxic: to stall Pokemon.
Pain Split: to get health back.

0 votes

Garbodor @Posion Barb / Leftovers
Ability: Stench
Nature: Adamant
EVS: Attack 252, HP 252, Spe 4


-Toxic Spikes
-Gunk Shot
-Drain Punch

OKAY the garbage 'mon is not so garbage. It has a nice move pull and not to mention Stench is actually an interesting ability with a 10% Flinch rate I believe . . . Toxic Spikes for a bit of setup along with Gunk Shot a real powerful move, and Payback! Drain Punch is there as some coverage and HP can be restored a bit.

Ummm.... I don't think Stench is a good ability for this set since you'll probably be slower since you don't have speed EVs in the set, so you won't be able to flinch anything unless the opposing Pokemon is reaally slow.
0 votes

Gen 6 NU AV Physical Sweeper

Garbodor @ Assault Vest
Ability: Stench
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Rock Blast
- Gunk Shot
- Drain Punch
- Seed Bomb

Quite the Stench abuser with Rock Blast. Gunk Shot for powerful STAB, Drain Punch for recovery (not necessarily power), Seed Bomb for coverage against those pesky Earthquake STAB spammers like Gastrodon and Sandslash. AV to cover a glaring weakness in both its SpD and Psychic. Max speed to enhance Stench’s flinch chance, to make a “meh” sweeper out of whatever pile of trash this Pokémon is.

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