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Pokemon who have reached their Final stage of Evolution, or just don't evolve
Including gen 5

why would you torture us like this??
This is a really good question, if you want to train 1 of every final form Pokemon. 350-450 fully trained Pokemon wouldn't take that long. Like 3 months if you can hatch 5 a day.
Please post a comment unless your post really answers the question.

3 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

As of PLA, there are 493 fully evolved Pokémon excluding alternate forms, or 625 including alternate forms with different stats (the second number includes Pokemon like Kantonian Farfetch'd, which can't evolve itself even though its Galarian form can).


Coincidentally, 493 is the same as the number of total Pokemon in Generation 4.

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Pokémon with one form aren't final forms, they're just, Pokémon (what are they)? Who knows if Meltan has evolutions/other forms.
The question asks for final stage evolutions and Pokémon that don't evolve, although a recent trailer did hint at an alternate Meltan form, so good point there. I guess I'll just have to update the answer if/when it gets revealed.

EDIT: Wow, apparently new Meltan info just dropped today: https://twitter.com/PokemonGoApp/status/1055116452972453888
Guess I'll add that in.
I personally got 445 fully evolved not including alternate forms, might be a mistake though
2 votes

I counted 348.

i go 348? :P
Recounted and got that also. Thanks.
I got 347 but I might have missed one with all of the new evo additions in gen4...
2 votes

Okay, I'm gonna get coverage on this as I count. xD

There are 56 Pokemon that are not part of an evolutionary chain.

There are 90 Pokemon (89 if you're not including 6th Gen) that are the final evolution after two evolutions.

There are 174 Pokemon that are the final evolution after one evolution.

I did this with a computer, so I may be wrong. Especially because it's not a proper calculator, just Microsoft Excel. xD

This also includes legendary Pokemon, this doesn't includes forms.
Altogether, it makes up 320 Pokemon that don't await evolution.

Hope I helped. :)
Source: This, and another page of Bulbapedia which I can't be bothered linking to, and Microsoft Excel for the adding.

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o-oso many different counts