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The description seems VERY misleading... it has legs!

Note: I don't believe it's a half evolved fish...


1 Answer

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Best answer

It's based on a mudskipper



It could possibly also be based on an axolotl


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That thing is creepy. Mudkip is cute
hmmm.... i looked around and found that it is based on an axolotl. problem is that i cant answer my own question.
hey man, it's a fact
no...it's based mainly on a mudskipper, you can even hear the familiarity
wait........ search up axolotl and it's much closer to mudkip.
I did, but honestly you can HEAR that mudskipper sounds a lot like mudkip than axotle does. And nobody even knows what an axolotl is...
i dunno man im not buying it. besides, it retain its axolotl looks through the ENTIRE evolution chain.
there, I edited my answer to ur individual needs xD
sorry for the hassle, but at least the comment war is over xD
yeah xD
mudkip is the best pokemon.